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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. Beesand


  2. Beesand

    Newbee to Surrey Heath

    Welcome to the forum :-)
  3. Beesand

    Woodland Bees

    :welcome: Welcome to the forum and good luck with your new venture of beekeeping !
  4. Beesand

    Greetings from Ireland

    Welcome to the forum :-)
  5. Beesand

    Any Medway Members Out There?

    Hi, Are you going to the meeting in Saturday? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Beesand


    Glanced at the BBKA site this morning to look at insurance and there was definitely something on there about £500 excess. Will read it properly this evening.
  7. Beesand

    Any Medway Members Out There?

    Hi, just a quick line to try to unite with any local members
  8. Beesand

    Prof. David Evans Talk Canterbury

    :iagree: Very interesting and informative and well presented. I kept having a glance round trying to guess who in the room might be using the beekeeping forum just to say "hi" in person to you :-)
  9. Beesand

    Prof. David Evans Talk Canterbury

    We've registered with Adrian as instructed in his email :-)
  10. Beesand

    Bee Friendly or Honey Bee Friendly?

    Does anyone know if honeybees forage on violets? The garden next door to my apiary site is literally carpeted in violets which look like they are about to start flowering. Big time bonus for the bees if they do bee-smillie
  11. Beesand

    How do you look at bees in winter/spring?

    I never used to suit up to feed but since becoming allergic I'm far more cautious. If I'm just popping up to see if they're flying or bringing in pollen I don't bother as I don't get close enough to annoy them.
  12. Beesand

    Prof. David Evans Talk Canterbury

    The plight of the honeybee - virulent DWV Is anyone else going this evening?
  13. Beesand

    commercial beekeeper from USA

    Hi Don, welcome to the forum :welcome:
  14. Beesand

    What to do with my bees now?

    I don't know if this is an option for you but when my bees were coming out of their first winter a few year ago, I had a more experienced beekeeper pop round and just give them the once over to make sure they were ok and I was doing everything as I should. A bit of a bee MOT going into Spring...
  15. Beesand

    Bee Friendly or Honey Bee Friendly?

    I have a blue campanula in my garden that attracts both bumble and honey bees bee-smillie
  16. Beesand

    Hornet trap

    Interesting piece of kit, wonder how effective it really is, the wasps were a nightmare in my area last year Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. Beesand

    allergic reaction

    The good thing is the clinic time is 8am so the parking isn't generally a problem, traffic getting there on the other hand can be a nightmare. The clinic always seems to run to schedule too, you don't get any backlog of patients before you, its all quite efficient.
  18. Beesand

    Colony failing to make it through the winter

    Good luck, I hope it works out for you
  19. Beesand

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Drop her off at the garden centre then pick her back up later? Win win, she gets to shop without you harassing her to hurry up, you get to spend time at your apiary. A bit of me time all round :hurray:
  20. Beesand

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Hey Beeno Yes, I froze them but was out smarted by a moth that found the tiniest of gaps and moved in. Oh well, no point crying over spoilt frames :hairpull: