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  1. W

    Heather 2021

    Flow still on where mine are supers are filling again. Best flow this season can't comment on strength of heather flow though its my first time. Its beat my main flows in the bit of good weather we've had so that will do for me 😂 one hive will probably hit the 200lb mark. I wasn't expecting much...
  2. W

    Brood Box as Super

    Depends if you can lift them how many hives you have and if you have a dedicated helper. If you have a lot of hives and nobody to help may be best to use supers. I can lift more than a brood full of honey and I'm 5ft 7 and about 150lb. I could lift 50 and load them alone but I'm used to heavy...
  3. W


    I had a bad problem last year at one of my apiarys. I think I made the mistake of feeding them on a nice sunny day so had to move the weaker ones. This year I've seen hardly any but still time yet. They tend to target splits in nucs or weakish hives
  4. W

    Brood Box as Super

    I do it and yes they are heavy when full. I can lift and carry them on my own but I get a friend to help most of the time. They take less time to proses because you can fit more honey in them but take longer to fill, so your lifting and prosesing less frames and boxes. I still use supers on...
  5. W


    If my hives start to get robbed I take them to another apiary and reduce the entrances. The hive can then be moved back later if I'm overwintering hives in that apiary I put it off as long as possible to move them back to it. This isnt possible to some because they don't move hives to farmland...
  6. W

    Heather 2021

    I'm brining mine to a winter apiary in a few weeks so I can get everything I can out of them.
  7. W

    Heather 2021

    Are you using a bag to put the honey In before pressing? Maybe use two bags and a filter? Won't the bubbles and wax rise to the top if you let it stand in a settling tank for four days?
  8. W

    Current trends in mite treatment

    By the way when I say this month they get three vapes usually four days apart one single vape in December or January and a full 3 vapes later on. Then I'll put my supers on. That's usually it
  9. W

    Current trends in mite treatment

    If I treat past December with a vape it's only hives Ill split from not honey producer's. Anything with a super gets left alone. You can't treat with supers on
  10. W

    Current trends in mite treatment

    I don't do counts either I look at my bees to judge it. My late treatments don't usually show huge mite loads anyway
  11. W

    Current trends in mite treatment

    If I see a bad infestation supers come off go to another hive and I'll treat it but as I said rare. I've not treated my bees since December and all are fine
  12. W

    Current trends in mite treatment

    I vape my bees this month again in January and again in March April time job done for me nothing elce needed unless I see obvious signs of bad infestation. Sometimes apigaurd in summer. Rarely. In fact I vaped some today. I start the year at zero count and just forget about it for the summer
  13. W

    Heather 2021

    They can still maybe bring some in mine have slowed right down but when we get a few hours sunny spells they bang it in
  14. W

    Heather 2021

    I've had a few hives vist the heather from five mile distance this year. Yet some hives in the same apiary have brought no noticeable nectar from it. The smell really is sickening after a while lol. When I go up to the bees at the heather the smell is pungent
  15. W

    Positioning of superseded cells

    Have you seen his vid? The tallest and strongest hives in the world using the rose hive method? Look it up on YouTube gave me lots of insight and idess
  16. W

    Positioning of superseded cells

    If you type rose hive method beekeeping in youtube people that don't get it will have a better understanding
  17. W

    Positioning of superseded cells

    All they have to do is look up rose hive method and make it more practable. Don't add a box and Wang it on checkerboard it go back when drawn and do what I said. Don't knock it have a go then knock it. I've found if you just Wang a box on top or inbertween it just causes more problems in that...
  18. W

    Positioning of superseded cells

    It sounds much more invasive and stressful than it is but if I actually could show it in action I think a lot of people would adapt it in the short term to expand because it really does work
  19. W

    Positioning of superseded cells

    Thanks its nice to get a positive reply once in a while on here with my style. I will admit that doing it the way I do is time consuming and not to most people's taste but all I'm trying to do is expand and produce as many hives and honey as I can as fast as I can. Pushing my bees takes the...