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  1. GuyNir

    The most useless thing I have bought to help my beekeeping .. or anywhere else for that matter !

    Frame rest, never used, given to the association.
  2. GuyNir

    Never had colonys like it.

    Connecting infrastructure to the wind turbines here, to carry power down south worked really well and was done quickly… Amazing how well it works that way.
  3. GuyNir

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    I currently have 2 newly mated Q’s which are unmarked. Will mark those next spring, not now… too late for mishaps…
  4. GuyNir

    Oh No! It's spreading!!

    If I wouldn’t hear of the Plymouth drug bust, I’d say they’re high on something. Or maybe it’s the previous shipments?
  5. GuyNir

    Merge coloniies using mesh?

    What benefit this will provide over the tried and tested (newspaper) method?
  6. GuyNir

    Never had colonys like it.

    One day we will get proper 3G here. I’m sure by then London and the south will be on 11G 🥱
  7. GuyNir

    EFB still around it seems 😞

    BBC - useful info, facts? You have high hopes.
  8. GuyNir

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Carrying a 35kg full bucket yesterday, will the handle/bucket hold did cross my mind… I might be sticking more with 15kg buckets in the future.
  9. GuyNir

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Verified another newly mated Q is laying worker brood. BIAS and sealed brood on several frames, large patches. I have one more Q I need to check on mid week. I saw a virgin several days ago and pollen is now brought in, so I’m optimistic. Started 2nd round of Thymovar.
  10. GuyNir

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Jarring & labelling. 100 more jars to my local farm shop. normal years I sell out before Christmas, if it continue as is, I’ll sell out before Nov…
  11. GuyNir

    Cold way warm way and solid floors

    Beekeeper preference. Bees are fine either way.
  12. GuyNir

    Even the GOV using Buckfast

    Noticing prices are creeping higher also, £50-60 for a Q.
  13. GuyNir

    Bees up early today.

    Same here. Bees on HB, but not much increase in weight. Seems to be just sustaining them. On the other hand, they don’t consume winter stores, judging by weight.
  14. GuyNir

    Poly nucs bees have eaten holes to the feeder compartments

    Never seen this myself. Which type of poly nucs? Pic?
  15. GuyNir

    Moron of the day ....

    Agree, what an idiot. Glad I don’t have neighbours like this one…
  16. GuyNir

    So what do you keep in your bee keeping tool box when you open hives?

    Yes. Toma marker is oil based.
  17. GuyNir

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Honey jars are flying out. The local farmshop ordered 120 jars couple of weeks ago, today emailed they want more, as just a few left on the shelf. I gave 5 jars to a local shop a week ago, as the guy said he doesn’t think those will sell. He called today asking for more, as all is gone…
  18. GuyNir

    Brood Box as Super

    Yes, bees do very well in 6 frame nuc boxes. Nice idea but as you said, mid summer you’ll end up with a quite narrow and very tall hive. I reckon some of my hive over the summer, converted into 6 frame brood boxes, would be 6-7 boxes tall. Maybe having two colonies together side by side, with...
  19. GuyNir

    Hive Alive

    Would be beneficial to know which region/county you are. UK could be Cornwall or Shetland Islands.
  20. GuyNir

    Brood Box as Super

    And ones with much better back in 5-10 years time.