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  1. Bluebell1985

    Removing Supers advice.

    Refractor arrived a few days ago. I'll certainly be giving it a go. Thank you.
  2. Bluebell1985

    Removing Supers advice.

    Thanks for this. I'll be making something similar to this on my next rest days. Adapting that crown boards that I have and don't use.
  3. Bluebell1985

    Colony in felled tree.

    I can't offer any advice here but I'm really interested in hearing the results. Good luck!
  4. Bluebell1985

    Removing Supers advice.

    I'm a first year beekeeper requesting some pointers on this subject. Currently my three hives each have between 2-4 supers (and a national full of honey) on them with a combination of uncapped and capped honey. I was planning on removing these during the first week of August. Is this a...
  5. Bluebell1985


    I like the idea a tracker but I was under the impression that you also need an active SIM card for each one and also there's the issue to a power source. I'm assuming they'll need regular charging so unless you have multiples to keep swapping over it may end up being very costly.
  6. Bluebell1985


    I've ordered mine now. Technical issues
  7. Bluebell1985


    I can't seem to see any sale frames which is all I'm really after.
  8. Bluebell1985

    Bees Wanted Nuc Carmarthenshire
  9. Bluebell1985

    honey price update

    Thank you for taking the time to write this very uplifting and inspirational response.
  10. Bluebell1985

    honey price update

    I'm moving to East Sussex next year. Put your 8oz up by £2.50 ;)
  11. Bluebell1985

    honey price update

    Where do you sell your honey? I see lots of posts from people who appear to sell all their supply really quick. As a new beekeeper I'm wondering where I should be trying to offload whatever honey I get.
  12. Bluebell1985

    honey price update

    And here I was hoping to sell my 8oz jars for no less than £7. Guess I'm dreaming. Looks like I'll be eating my own honey all year :p
  13. Bluebell1985

    Did I mess up? Queen introduction

    I did an inspection today. I did not see a queen but I did see eggs on a few frames. Single eggs per cell all placed where they should be. The test frame I put in didn't have a single Queen cell on it. I can only assume I missed a queen cell in previous attempts to make them hopelessly queenless.
  14. Bluebell1985

    River Cottage "natural beekeeping"

    His beehive is essential a hollow log with a roof and removable floor. His Instagram has a few videos of it.
  15. Bluebell1985

    Paradise or abelo poly national.

    Yes. I also put the edge farthest away from me down first so I can see what bees are where when I'm lowering it.
  16. Bluebell1985

    Paradise or abelo poly national.

    So I use the abelo hives and have found that some bees are crushed. I now take to smoking them as I'm about to replace a box. The ones that remain generally move if I slowly lower down the box, hovering briefly before it goes down fully into position.
  17. Bluebell1985

    Custom Jar Labels

    I initially designed my logo on Canva which I love (and was free). I did experiment with making a label but couldn't be sure on sizes of front and how it would translate to a printer label. May have another go.
  18. Bluebell1985

    Custom Jar Labels

    I'm looking to design and print my own honey jar labels but not sure what websites/suppliers are reputable. I've got a design already for a logo but will need to customise a bit with information etc. Anyone use any sites or know where I may design and order such labels? Many thanks.
  19. Bluebell1985

    Did I mess up? Queen introduction

    I hope so. If not I'm hoping they build some emergency cells into the new frame and I'll just leave one and cross my fingers.
  20. Bluebell1985

    Did I mess up? Queen introduction

    I had a hopelessly queenless hive that I introduced a caged mated queen to. This would have been on the 26th of May. 48 hours later I hope the tabs. I was sure to leave her over 7 days before opening the hives as to avoid causing her to be balled. Due to work, rain and my belief that there's...