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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. J

    Advice please

    asbestos roofing so try smoking out with bait hive first then if not take ceiling down from inside and remove. If you want the bee's that is
  2. J

    Chasing bees

    yes 3 miles as i wasnt goin to leave it hanging for the womens apple tree was I.
  3. J

    Chasing bees

    I had a swarm friday moved it 3 mile then I went to check it, it had gone i found it hanging in a tree, moved it around 15 times before i put the queen in a cage for a few days. There now happy rehomed . fingers crossed.
  4. J

    a few photo's of a removel of a swarm

    Im goin to check the bee's today but i think they should be fine.
  5. J

    a few photo's of a removel of a swarm

    The job was about 4 to 5 hours long had to take a few bricks out from the inside to cut out all of the comb then I smoked them up in to a brood box with the old comb fitted to frames. It was really fun but hard work & very hot on that roof.
  6. J

    a few photo's of a removel of a swarm

    Hi everyone hope you enjoy the photo's.
  7. J

    horses and bees dont mix

    feel sorry for the bee's
  8. J

    Who is moving hives onto the heather this August?

    I would take mine but im 1000 mile away from any.
  9. J

    queen in clip

    it was a cast size swarm queen is very large tho so I think she maybe mated just have to wait and see.
  10. J

    queen in clip

    Ok ill Try That dont really want to get up that tree anymore tho. Thank you
  11. J

    queen in clip

    Hi all, I Picked up a swarm on sunday, popped it in a hive, but every time I tipped them in they swarmed and landed in a tree :banghead: I did this around 15 more times until HM was on the top of the hive running around so I popped her in a clip. The question is: how long should i leave her...
  12. J

    First Swarm - nearly!

    have to the car per loaded saves time
  13. J

    Mini Nucs - Which do you prefer and why?

    how do you set it up? how many bee's do you put in? and do you put a queen cell in there or a newly mated queen?
  14. J

    Home made suit

    That is brill is she taking orders
  15. J

    Mini Nucs - Which do you prefer and why?

    I like that i think ill have a go at making one or two
  16. J

    Mini nuc or 3 frame nuc?

    Mini nuc or 3 frame nuc? what would be best for rearing queens Any tips?? Any one??
  17. J

    Swarm Collectors Map

    I think the green is for beekeepers that have not yet put there information on the map but steve has noted down there location.
  18. J

    Swarm Collectors Map

    as there is a key on the map with colours and numbers?
  19. J

    Swarm Collectors Map

    May be the number of beekeepers on the list in that area.
  20. J

    Location and Rates

    Look For Free Sites AS EVERY one of mine was for free.