Somerford has got the whole list of prices as I was in the kitchen the whole day!!
Five lots of bees
Prices reported
6 frame nuc £200
Larger hive £250
Good day -cake very good- lots of local clubs present and lots of chat
areas reporting many beeks lost their bees overwinter
Jacob sheep 2 or 4 horned so they have handles
Lamb well
After the shearer has called they look like goats!
Been a member of the Jacob sheep society for about 20 years
You can buy circular pure honey 1ozs and 11/2 ozs Labels for jar tops at T's
I then have a small address labels to the front of the jar
I got mine from able labels I think they were designed for letter headings- sorry about the brand name
My association bulk buys
jars ,foundation ,boxes and frames along with other odds and ends from a variety of suppliers purchased everytime there is a sale
Small shop open for two hours each week
Very well supported by members