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  1. Springer

    Making frames from Cedar

    Bit surprised at that reply HP, especially from someone who presumably likes making things ! Think you missed the point, someone asked how do you make frames, so I offered my way of doing it . It wasn't about how it pays , I did it cos I can and enjoy it ! Didn't see your logic on a days pay...
  2. Springer

    Making frames from Cedar

    I made a trial batch of about 20 frames and they came out pretty well, planning to do some more. I started with my normal 21mm finished timber not 22 mm but don't think this will matter. For the side pieces I cut a 150mm wide board to the requires length of frame. Then I used a 6.4 mm slot...
  3. Springer

    Nucs and mesh floors

    Was going to use correx, got an 8 x 4 in stock, but I had in mind the sheet should be 50 mm lower than the mesh to stop the little jumping back up?
  4. Springer

    Nucs and mesh floors

    Thanks all, those answers put my mind at rest. So what I might do is provide open mesh floors and a separate monitoring tray, bit like a seed tray, to put under the nuc when I want to monitor, that should do the job ? S
  5. Springer

    Nucs and mesh floors

    I have got together some ply and intend to build a couple of nucs for use this season. After research I am unsure of the following. 1/ Should a nuc have a full or partial mesh floor or not at all? 2/ What ventilation should be provided up top, presumable dependent on answer to question 1...
  6. Springer

    is beekeeping an old mans game?

    I'm over 41 I think, used to be chimney sweep when I was a lad, that was harder than keeping bees, think I will be 42 when the blackberries are next out. bee-smillie
  7. Springer

    When to take insulation off?

    So the insulation stays in, my quiery is with OMF do I need to add some ventilation holes for the summer ? Hives are nationals which I built myself but did not put any holes up top as winter was approaching and not sure how many I needed ?
  8. Springer

    1kg Sugar 49p @ Morrisons.

    Type of Sugar Just read on a Beer Forum that Morrison's have sugar at 49p a kilogram, only 3 per customer ;) Apparently it is beet sugar not cane, but does it matter to the bees . Wouldn't want to get stocked up with the wrong stuff. S
  9. Springer

    14 x 12 brood box size

    (Depends on how well they are trained really) :banghead: That says it all.
  10. Springer

    Fondant feeding.

    Thanks for that I would have been down the playing at it route, but for your post bee-smillie. So, is one big piece or a couple of smaller slabs best, I was thinking of less air space etc. with a small eke for the two piece idea. Read about newspaper ontop, to help insulating. My hives went...
  11. Springer

    Bee keeping- can you make a profit?

    If more business operated as mbc states instead of going out and getting hocked up at a bank then we would live in better world i believe. Is this "getting a loan" way go doing business something new to recent years ? I can never understand why the Government needs a debt, I thought good...
  12. Springer

    My Way Of Making National Supers and Broods

    Serious tool porn H. :hurray: Got a mate with one of those mill, nice kit.:drool5:
  13. Springer

    Hive Stands

    Thanks for that PH, think I know what I'm doing now, on this bit anyway !
  14. Springer

    Hive Stands

    Double for me with legs knocked into ground and the rest built in situ, that should fix the vibration thing ! Still confuse about the layout, if both in same direction is not advised, does not "off the ends" solve things? Off to see if the bees are out, as mentioned by others !
  15. Springer

    My Way Of Making National Supers and Broods

    Good post, like tool porn, I am also heavily into brew porn, produce some of that myself on another forum. Like the fence system also. S
  16. Springer

    Hive Stands

    Thanks for the replies All, Double seems the popular choice, but I assumed that that both hives faced forward so the speak, so its off the ends then. :confused: S
  17. Springer

    Hive Stands

    I am a bit confused about why a lot of people go for double hive stands, I have, but don't quite know why. Is it for economy of build and stability reasons? Also, when doing an artificial swarm is it ok to place the hives 1m apart on a diagonal? The reason for asking is that the farm where I...
  18. Springer

    Help me find a motor for my extractor.

    Well said Q, but do you really think the rest of us know what we are talking about ? Thanks for input all, from which we have max revs and need variable speed control. On ebay there are low voltage speed controllers that can handle the amps, for twenty quid or so. They are altered by a pot, so...
  19. Springer

    Help me find a motor for my extractor.

    Sorry reposted by mistake instead of editing a typo. Anyway while I'm here can anyone confirm what a 9/12 frame radial should rotate at, is the 280 r.p.m.someone mentioned up post, about right?
  20. Springer

    Help me find a motor for my extractor.

    Try searching parvalux on ebay, quite a few results at ok prices, if they are suitable, haven't researched them as I'm going with my wheel chair ones first, cos I've got them.:laughing-smiley-004