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  1. S

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Also forgot to say I signed up to the National Honey Monitoring Scheme on Sunday. My sample kit came today so Sundays extraction will include sending off a sample.....
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    2 very nice slovenian carnolian queens arrived today. Both now in nucs. What would be the best plan for them this time of year, over winter in their paynes poly nucs or transfer to full hives in a few weeks and feed to draw out the comb? Forgot to say 1 in nat nuc the other requeened an...
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    Sorry rather than starting a new thread.... Question.... I am extracting too at the weekend. My hive that has 6 supers will be the first, can I extract and reduce them down to say 2 supers as the flow has slowed and they seem to be holding their own but are never going to fill them all again?
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Checked all my hives yesterday after getting back from holiday in Wales... All is well but they are not capping many super frames, will leave them until next week then extract. 1 hive had no eggs and could not find the queen . S No sign of QC's so added a frame of eggs to test.
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    Proposed new site.

    I'm the same as B+..... my hives at home are surrounded by potatoes this year and they have been sprayed many times this year. The farmer has told me when he's going to spray but I have either been at work or forgot to shut them in apart from once. All still doing well... What you have to...
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    Poster challenge

    Blunt has a good idea. If it were me I would keep the location of my hives off the poster, the last thing I would be doing is basically saying "here's my hives help yourself"
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    Paying for Queens from Slovenia help required

    I've managed to sort thanks all. Used transferwise in the end. Yes the price made me think if they were good quality but reading up all looks ok so time will tell. I've bought 2 and will see how they go
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    Paying for Queens from Slovenia help required

    I know a guy who has bought carnolian queens from this breeder and they were very nice docile, high yealding and not swarmy. I thought I would give them a try. They were also cheap at around €16 each. You are right about good breeders here in the UK but looking at all types
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    Paying for Queens from Slovenia help required

    Thanks all for the info I will try transferwise. I did ask about PayPal but they do not use it.
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    Paying for Queens from Slovenia help required

    Thanks for that.... do you load a balance and then transfer from that?
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    Paying for Queens from Slovenia help required

    I am looking for somebody with experience of buying queens from Slovenia and paying by IBAN, I'm thinking this is internet banking, who I can PM for advice. I have an invoice for payment with details but they make no sense to me. Hope this is posted here.
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Checked hives yesterday before heading off for a weeks holidays... All queen right and the flow looks to of slowed. Super frames are now 1/2 capped so hopefully can extract when I return. Now on way to Tenby Wales
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    Hello - newbie from Norfolk

    Welcome, where in Norfolk are you?
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    Bees ignoring supers

    I think the answer you will get back from most is they will use it when they need it..... I had a hive just the same in the spring. It's now nearly filled its 6th super and my biggest hive.
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    So checked all my 7 hives and nuc today at both apiaries.. Today is the first time all season that I think I have mated laying queens in ALL hives. Did not see all queens but fresh eggs laid correctly in cells. Still a good flow on and supers are now starting to be capped so will look to...
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    Thornes branch sale items

    They proberly do but they do state that due to 3rds they may need some filling and fixing. For the price and knowing what I may get I didn't bother.
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    Dr.P Stoffen queens

    My 3 economy Dr P queens that came on 11th June took 5-6 days to arrive if I remember. They came in a non ventilated cardboard envelope and were fine although due to the length of the journey 1 had nearly eaten way through the candy plug. All were added to hives.... no's 10 and 30 are going...
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    Thornes branch sale items

    I live quite close to their rand branch. Nearer the time they will list 3rds for sale that will be first come first serve on the open days... I got some supers last year at silly prices, had to chuck a couple but still worked out dirt cheap.... 2nd frames are fine.
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    Quick and easy entrances.

    Genuine question, when would you put a reduced tunnel entrance on? I'm asking as I've not seen a wasp yet in the garden but I'm sure there around. I'm expecting them to be soon but I take it while I've got a heavy flow on with one I would be holding up yhd bees getting in and out???