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  1. R

    Median wasps and other stripey newcomers

    Here's a good link on Medium wasps (Dolichovespula media)
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    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Used my giant magnifying glass for the first time - NOW I can see the eggs
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    Wasp Trap bait

    I've found cheep concentrated orange juice works best
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    Bee Tree (EVODIA HUPEHENSIS) Growing

    Someone bought me a tea tree plant about 3 feet high last year. It died (sorry) I took it back to the garden centre it was bought from and they said that ALL their tea tree plants died after the first frost. AND they were all in an unheated greenhouse. Apparently the British climate is too...
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    Whats the difference between a king cup and a queen cup?

    Thank you Susbee - I've just checked again properly There are two of these strange things and no eggs, lavea, or brood of any description on any other frames. They look live a curved finger sticking out from the frame, perhaps because the foundation they are on is not built up too deeply I...
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    Whats the difference between a king cup and a queen cup?

    There is something very strange going on with this hive. The story is longer than this, but maybe my comment at the end is a possibility Swarmed in May - original queen did a bunk/killed off leaving no evidence of any queen cells. No eggs/lavea/brood for weeks 4 Test frames given over the...
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    Whats the difference between a king cup and a queen cup?

    Sorry, I forgot to say that I think I know what a king cup is - it's where a queenless coloncy tries to make a queen out of a drone cell in desparation. I found some partially made queen cups on a frame in a (presumably) queenless colony with one beaut of a sealed ? queen cup. I don't want to...
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    Whats the difference between a king cup and a queen cup?

    Does anyone know what a king cup looks like? A photo would be terrific. I've search the web and books but cannot find a description.
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    a dead parrot riding a bike in scotland

    You must be so proud of him - and he is a true hero too. If he passes Barton, Preston on the A6 he's more than welcome to pop in for a brew xxx to your son
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    Requeening a drone layer hive?

    There is alot of information on the site below and may be of help. I only discovered it after I posted. No matter what advice we read in books or on the internet about bees, and there are many of them, there is nothing like asking a fellow beekeeper for their personal advice, feelings and...
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    Usually the worker bees kill off drones when they are not needed You say that the drones are unable to get through the queen excluder. Try to remove the queen and put her somewhere safe for a short time. Then do a very gentle shake onto a sheet to remove any flying bees whilst brushing off the...
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    Requeening a drone layer hive?

    Thank you so much Hivemaker. I have also read Bush Farm bees, but the methods they state do get clearer when you read them again and again. I will save your excellent advices for the future. I feel sure that your post will help alot of other beekeepers who have similar problems. After this...
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    Requeening a drone layer hive?

    That was my Plan 3 - Is there a risk to the queens in the neighbouring hives by invading bees if you do this? Did you Smoke first so that the bees have full tummies and would be welcomed as honey bearers? Is there a best time of day to do it? Hope it works for you. Keep us posted
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    Requeening a drone layer hive?

    Thank you so much Dom and Midland. You comfirm what I have been thinking about for the past couple of days. I have already shook them about 100yards away, thus getting rid of any possible none flying bees which may include a laying worker (so the theory says) and still have a fair stock of...
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    Requeening a drone layer hive?

    Hello Midland Beek - You have given me such helpful advice in the past. Thank you. The capped drone brood, from what I have read, looks like a laying worker. Totally random with only a few patches of brood next to each other. I have tried to find her each time I have opened up the hive, but...
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    Requeening a drone layer hive?

    I have a drone layer in one of my hives. Typical pattern of random drone brood over at least 3 frames. I could 'drone' one here, but here's the basics 4 July Bees cover about 5 frames Today I shook all the bees off the frames, destroyed all the drone cells I could see, and let the flyers...
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    Queen excluder.

    Always have a spare excluder - that way you can put your spare one on whilst cleaning off any brace comb from the other
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    White spot on bee faces

    Balsam is early this year in Lancashire - hope there's enough left for later in the year
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    New HGV hybrid

    Darn - beeet me to it - yes, Countryfile Calender
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    White spot on bee faces

    Balsam? Try searching 'balsam pollen' in images