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  1. Spikedog

    Vapeing Enthusiasts

    I usually vape in early January (anticipated broodless period). When recently purchasing Apibioxal my provider neigh had apoplexy on hearing I was to vape in September and insisted it would kill brood and be detrimental to winter stock. Furthermore, a Beek colleague considering a series of vapes...
  2. Spikedog

    urgent advice please

    Cuckmere, same problem here x2 – one: Today found a sealed Q cell alongside existing (this season) Queen. I am putting it down to her being off lay by reason of recent MAQS treatment. Eggs are relatively scarce, BUT it is possible she has a fault. In any case knocked the Q cell as have no...
  3. Spikedog

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    You better believe it! :hairpull:
  4. Spikedog

    What to expect following Apiguard treatment

    Have used ApiG over the years. For past two seasons noted (with other keepers) Q’s going completely off lay at what is an inconvenient time of year I.e. winter brood preparation. Some colleagues have suspicions that winter loses, Nucs in particular are contributed to ApiG impact. I have moved to...
  5. Spikedog

    Three mini “swarms” – What’s up?

    A “swarm” emerged, flew to a tree and within a short period returned to beneath the hive [Q still in hive] – hived in poly Nuc and didn’t thrive – produced drone brood only and despite donating a brood frame/eggs only interest is/was in drawing down cells from drone brood. Ran them through Qx...
  6. Spikedog

    Cleaning leather gloves

    Can anyone advise as to the cleaning (propolis/stings) of leather bee gloves that leaves them relatively supple?
  7. Spikedog

    Acetic Acid & Stores

    Finman & Woodenbeam, many thanks for your comments & advice. Woodenbeam, yes, I had intended it to mean brood box of frames. I have often scorched a box but thought the Acetic acid would do the job on both. As some colonies were weak post winter/autumn I had a fear of possible Nosema C (no...
  8. Spikedog

    Acetic Acid & Stores

    Is it practice when fumigating brood boxes with acetic acid to include the winter stores in same before transferring frames to needy colonies?
  9. Spikedog

    DLQ squished

    Job is oxo (combined) – many thanks to all for the advice and variety of opinions.
  10. Spikedog

    Solar vs Steam Wax Melter

    Used Thornes steamer for first time yesterday. Did an excellent job – ensure lid/roof is pushed well down on brood box. The amount of slumgum was astonishing. Might confuse the uninitiated as to redeemable wax -v- slumgum. Still requires scraping of frames (propolis etc.). Just don’t have the...
  11. Spikedog

    DLQ squished

    Thanks Millet, tea sound nice - malt even better. As there was brood (Drone) I anticipate the colony will require time to become hopelessly Q- .... hence the time query.
  12. Spikedog

    DLQ squished

    DLQ – Have squished same in anticipation of combining colony with Q+. Will 24-36 hours suffice before combination?
  13. Spikedog

    Weekly inspection necessary?

    With proviso it depends where you are - I would hold off. Its 10C here at present but wind chill allows it much colder. Bees have been in, weather bound since last Friday(ish) and there are a few water carriers in/out today. Frost/snow burned landscape and all plants held back. Little plant life...
  14. Spikedog

    Bait Hive & Dead Queen as Attractant

    Has any member heard of the practice of placing a dead queen into a bait hive as an attractant (Pheromone)? I have vague recollection of reading/hearing of same…Perhaps a confused memory as intuitively feels wrong. Have a relatively fresh Q cadaver and could freeze for future use.
  15. Spikedog

    1 brood box, 2 full supers over wintered.

    Possibly depends on your location, but I would hold off with examinations and in particular manipulations for another couple of weeks (at least). We are about to face into another cold spell and there is little point in disturbing the colony (where stores rich) until this unseasonable Wx settles...
  16. Spikedog

    Thymol Frame

    Any members with experience of using Thymol Frame dissipaters in their hygiene regime? Considering same but would appreciate advice as to pro/con/effectiveness before acting. Not thinking of using in place if Vaping/Apiguard/MAQs but as supplementary early – midterm action.
  17. Spikedog

    Spring Vaping Ox Acid – A query

    We use Varrox Vap - recommended 1g Oxalic per brood box & 2g for double brood. Measure - 1g spoon comes with Apibioxal sachet.
  18. Spikedog

    Spring Vaping Ox Acid – A query

    Interesting – I can front load a few hives and have taken a few fried ladies, not many. However, hive designs are differing across the apiary and most lend themselves to manipulation from the rear under the mesh. New point of interest – I note in Thornes catalogue 2018 a facility for Top Vaping...
  19. Spikedog

    Spring Vaping Ox Acid – A query

    Many thanks to Millet (not first time), B&B and E 1/2 B for clarification and the further enlightenment re Accelerated Drop. Off to charge the battery - Best, P
  20. Spikedog

    Spring Vaping Ox Acid – A query

    Can Oxy Vapers please advise. I Vape Ox Acid on or about January 1st annually. This time as the colony is anticipated to be brood free i.e., no sealed brood protecting mites under the wax (This is in reality approximate brood free). My understanding is that Ex Acid is harmful to brood. I am...