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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. region2

    Shook swarm on brood and a half

    After a bit of EFB in a weak colony in my apiary last year I intend (as recommended by the Inspector) to shook swarm the remaining four colonies in the next few weeks. Some questions: Two of the colonies are on a brood and a half with lots of brood and stores - should I shook swarm them into...
  2. region2

    Where can I get a skep?

    You can put a glass jar on the hole and the bees will fill it with comb and honey but, hopefully, no brood! R2
  3. region2

    Where can I get a skep?

    If you just want one for a short time you could just look up Skep Hire in Yellow Pages. ;) BTW - this thread has been ruined by the removal of links - someone wanted to know where to get something and someone tried to help by providing a link. This was then moderated by removing the link and...
  4. region2

    Fondant full !

    I understand that they'll eat fondant over stores 'cos it's easier but they don't store the fondant. R2
  5. region2

    poly nucs

    Top Tip - don't put your lit smoker on the lid of your Poly hive/nuc or guess what happens?!!??! R2 (ps. it wasn't me!)
  6. region2

    Queen Rearing Video
  7. region2

    First inspection - honey block?

    Feeding fondant means the bees don't touch 'their' stores so it's a balancing act - many people feed fondant whatever but the end result can be no space to lay. R2
  8. region2

    Commercial links number 2

    Ta Hivemaker, I totally got that Norton starred it out themselves - my complete and utter frustration is that A. s/he thought it necessary to star out a word like that. B. we're still in this situation where the forum is staggering around with some words allowed and some words not allowed and C...
  9. region2

    Commercial links number 2

    Forgive me for not understanding how the word 'Google' might offend anyone. Unless they work for a rival Search Engine! Come on Admin - this situation is really getting silly now. Let's stop starring out certain words, mithering about links etc etc and let the forum run free. There's enough...
  10. region2

    Commercial links number 2

    Are we not allowed to mention Google? OMG!!! R2
  11. region2

    Commercial links number 2

    Therein lies the rub - no to commercial links doesn't mean no to links, just to blatant plugs. In my opinion. So the original poll was flawed so the result cannot be relied on. Again IMHO... R2
  12. region2

    Commercial links number 2

    That's down to netiquette really - it can get tedious when someone copies half a page and then adds 'hear hear'! if they're pasting from another site then they should be encouraged to paste a link and a description so the reader has a choice to go there. or not! R2
  13. region2

    Commercial links number 2

    Obviously if moderators notice blatant plugs then they can delete but don't forget the 1000's of unofficial moderators on here who can report any that they see - that's how it works elsewhere... R2
  14. region2

    Commercial links number 2

    Some much fuss over begger all - allow all links and trade names and delete any blatant plugs. It's not rocket science guys and all this to'ing and fro'ing is making me not want to come here. I wonder how many have voted with their feet, never to return? R2
  15. region2

    Commercial links number 2

    Then the forum would quickly die - there's a wealth of info. on the net so links are essential to allow people to access the World Wide WEB. Surely it cannot be to hard to spot blatant plugs? R2
  16. region2

    Spitting nails

    Car Park Spares - as a student in the late 70s I knew someone who did that regularly to keep his mini running. No CCTV back then. Keying is a gutless crime and expensive to make good - a few years ago the wife's GTi was sprayed with a silver anarchy symbol as was the adjacent house door in...
  17. region2

    Part P - Wiring Question

    Electrical Installation Condition Report Nope - just that the wiring is safe as per a Electrical Installation Condition Report (previously a PIR). For the record I have completely wired new houses and rewired old houses, all then correctly tested and certified to current Regs. And I will have...
  18. region2

    Type of feed

  19. region2

    Part P - Wiring Question

    A risk I'm willing to take - it's only a shed and, as described, all is well protected in full accordance with the Regs... R2