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  1. S

    Implications of overfeeding?

    In another thread discussing an overcrowded nuc one comment was "As things stand you run a risk that the colony will choke up the brood nest with nectar so that your Queen loses laying space..." Why do they do this? I think I have overfed my colony to the extent that there is very little...
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    Mechanical device for lifting brood box/super

    On a recent thread someone pointed out that you could get half width supers, don't remember the supplier, perhaps these might be easier to manage.
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    ow my dnose

    Ouch, my little pip on the forehead doesn't seem anything like so bad now. Admin, I think you woz owned
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    First (real) sting ... oh the irony

    As had I been doing, with a coat on and gardening gloves in case the girls had got into the feeder and went for my hands, but had not been a problem at all. I did tend to do it later in the day though, but this one came out of the blue.
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    First (real) sting ... oh the irony

    I was out chatting to the ladies who are doing our garden, one of which is now an ex-beekeeper and is donating some kit to me. One of the reasons she is giving up is her reaction to strings, so I mentioned that other than a few attempted stings through the gloves I'd never been really stung. I...
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    Queen has disappeared - is ther anywhere I can get a mated queen for replacement?

    My queen started laying within 5 days of terminating Apiguard having been broodless during treatment.
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    Bees not taking syrup feed at all

    Can I ask why, with a Miller feeder (or Ashworth), some advise to locate it above the crownboard. I thought with this type of feeder the crownboard went on top, then roof. if you were using a rapid or contact feeder then the crownboard would go underneath with suitable feeding holes opened. Is...
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    New Hive

    Seems they offer hot wax impregnated hives, as well as regular. Timber doesnt look like cedar.
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    Queenless or Apiguard reaction?

    Can you explain what you mean by this, it goes against what I understand is the normal swarming process so am curious to know if there is a gap in my knowledge. Shouldn't queen cells have been sealed by that point? As for queen possibly stopping laying during treatment, it happened to me. I...
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    Could Apiguard stop a queen laying completely?

    Well that's a relief... Inspected them just now and have 3 frames with uncapped larvae, some remaining capped brood and I spotted eggs for the first time, and lots of them. What I thought were large tranches of empty comb in the brood area each had a tiny egg in them so queenie looks to have...
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    Aldi Router / Router table

    I would advise anyone that has not used a router to spend some time becoming familiar with safe operation practices. In particular which way to feed the router or material (freehand or in the table) and to use push pads or such like when using a router table. Goggles and mask also advisable too...
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    Apiguard and feeding at the same time. New beekeeper needs help!

    As a first year beek, 1 colony.. I fed during my first 2 weeks of Apiguard and at least half the Apiguard remained at the end of the 2 week period when I replaced it with the new pack, which has now been emptied fully before the 2 weeks is up. I'm not sure what to conclude from this if...
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    Could Apiguard stop a queen laying completely?

    Thanks for everyone's replies - reassuring to know that this type of thing isn't uncommon. Fingers crossed then...
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    Could Apiguard stop a queen laying completely?

    No idea as to the veracity of this material, but an interesting view here that bald brood with no evidence of wax moth may indicate varroa control
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    Could Apiguard stop a queen laying completely?

    Thankyou both for your prompt and reassuring replies. Lateness of nuc was partly down to Thorne appearing to have recorded the order incorrectly and me being away most of July so unable to receive it. Mite count drop I would say is quite low, somewhere between 30-50 in the first two weeks...
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    Could Apiguard stop a queen laying completely?

    I inspected yesterday at the end of the third week of Apiguard treatment. The tray had almost been emptied. As far as I can tell there is no uncapped brood. I have never yet been able to spot eggs, but saw no larvae also. I had noticed a decline in brood last Saturday (one week ago) but had...
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    To treat or not to treat?

    My first thought would be to try to find out from your supplier what the treatment consisted of, only then can you probably decide whether any further treatment is necessary and what type. If it was me I might use a non-chemical based test, eg icing sugar, to get a feel for the current...
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    langstroth/ commercial brood boxes, supers, roof's, 30lb honey buckets

    Sam, I would avoid posting your contact details in public view, there are bots around that could well harvest that information. Always advisable to send those details through PM, or private email.
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    What a year that was! (Long post...).

    I can understand your point of view and I debated myself whether to treat or not. Your question by its very nature is somewhat rhetorical but in my opinion it would not be straightforward to answer anyway without considering what you or anyone considers 'managed' to represent, or how it could be...
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    What a year that was! (Long post...).

    Hi Moggs, I got a nuc late this year, 4 weeks ago, little drone brood to speak of to do a drone brood count. Left olive oiled tray in for 48 hours with no forced mite drop (ie no icing sugar etc) and no mite drop. Having read on here several times that that's not indicative of anything, that it...