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  1. Ely

    Bee sheds or Similar

    This sounds pretty good. I did have visions of lining a shed in plastic. Similar to Dexter when he's preparing a kill room.
  2. Ely

    Bee sheds or Similar

    After making a exceptionally sticky mess in the kitchen, and also accidently leaving the door open for thousands of bees to find it, my wife, for some reason was a bit moody. Actually she was extremely fed up. I have been banned from extracting honey in the house otherwise something else may be...
  3. Ely


    Perhaps send them a letter to their address threatening them with the police for theft if they do not return if they get their refund.
  4. Ely

    Mrs Nasty finally dispatched. Now what?

    I have one on the way from Laurence at Black Mountain Honey to requeen a nasty and flighty colony from a split earlier in the season. The last one I bought is producing lovely calm bees.
  5. Ely

    sugar cost and when to buy

    Hi. How quickly do they take fondant down and store it? I have given my bees a little syrup to see them through until the ivy comes out. I don't want to buy too much sugar if they can get their own ivy stores. Problem is, you can't guarantee how big the flow will be and what the weather will be...
  6. Ely

    Super above or below?

    Are sulphur strips still considered safe for both brood and super frames?
  7. Ely

    August options defensive hive.

    You want to disturb the queen as little as possible so that she doesn't break out of her normal routine and position in the hive. Try to not use too much smoke (protect yourself well). Ignore honey frames and capped frames with no eggs or larvae. The queen wants to be on a frame with space to...
  8. Ely

    August options defensive hive.

    Make them hopelessly queenless and buy a queen. It is actually a good time of year to do it. They seem to accept them more readily when they know they are running out of time to raise their own.
  9. Ely

    Abelo 12 Frame to Langstroth

    I get the rockbottom cedar Langstroths from Maismores. I keep eyeing up the Honey Paw langstroths but they are an extra £100 for a similar setup. Plus they do medium supers only where my rock bottoms are shallow supers so, it would be yet another frame type in the apiary. I love the look of...
  10. Ely

    Partially capped honey frames

    Hmmm. We get tonnes of it. Perhaps I'll start harvesting it. I usually leave it for the bees which saves on sugar. I've often wondered if Ivy honey helps with nosema. It has a similar smell to Thymol. It sets really quickly, I imagine you don't wait for it to be capped?
  11. Ely

    Partially capped honey frames

    Yes the ivy is only a few weeks away here in Norfolk. Big buds already. It was out in late August last year here. You certainly don't want that foul stuff in your supers
  12. Ely

    A level results

    I don't think Covid has affected the A-Level syllabus over the last two years. Good news on people doing well. Hopefully they have chosen their degree courses wisely.
  13. Ely

    Special offer Posca pen set.

    There's some nice colour there. Banksy could learn a thing or two
  14. Ely

    Partially capped honey frames

    Give the frames a shake. If nothing comes out, it is OK to extract. You don't need to wait for them to be 100 percent capped.
  15. Ely

    What is the formula for calculating how much sugar sugar syrup contains?

    Good old Hivemaker. I'm pretty useless at maths and didn't know how much sugar and water the make an exact gallon of 2:1 to add the thymol to. Without Thymol, guess work would be ok but didn't want to overdose. This came in handy -
  16. Ely

    What is the formula for calculating how much sugar sugar syrup contains?

    Sorry. I didn't look at the date 🤣
  17. Ely

    What is the formula for calculating how much sugar sugar syrup contains?

    Hi. How much thymol mix would you add to 2.5 kg sugar and 1 litre sugar syrup? Thank you
  18. Ely

    Is beekeeping getting harder?

    I've heard from the penguins that it is trickier in Antarctica. Probably because they don't have fingers to hold the frames properly.
  19. Ely

    Lyson Rebate

    Hi. Thank you for the response. Definitely food for thought. If you put a super on at an angle on the Lyson, is the recess large enough for a bee to hide in? I've been looking at the honeypaw a fair bit, the Norfolk Honey company on YouTube has a series on them. I like the look of them. I do...