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  1. asol

    Bees not foraging

    Rab. For clarity, the word perhaps was used (in error) to convey my own thoughts to myself on the matter. 'Perhaps it was a mistake to feed since the inspection, I'll remove the feed and see what happens.' My inspection was prompted by the declining activity but since there appears to be ample...
  2. asol

    Bees not foraging

    Thanks for the advice. The impact of not feeding always appears more tragic than the implication of feeding hence the decision to feed. Perhaps I'll remove the feed and see what happens. Icanhopit: I understand your sentiment entirely and perhaps whatever the outcome of the virgin queen the...
  3. asol

    Bees not foraging

    Only had my bees since early June so looking for some advice. I had to performed an AS just over two weeks ago. The hive with the original queen and flyers seems to be doing fine however the hive supposedly with the virgin queen seems to have 'gone off the boil' over the last week. It was...
  4. asol

    Prompt swarm advice sought for new keeper.

    Many thanks for all your words of advice and support. I truly enlightening experience, my inspections won't be the same again! Since my original queen is this years I'd perhaps like to keep her as the colony queen. If the final objective is to recombine when would be the optimum time to do this...
  5. asol

    Prompt swarm advice sought for new keeper.

    The break in the weather allowed me to go in a check the situation. I had indeed missed some queen cells, after removing a few bees and having looked properly there were several cups, cells with larvae and one sealed cell. I also saw my original queen, she certainly isn't clipped so I don't know...
  6. asol

    Prompt swarm advice sought for new keeper.

    I'd have hoped that I'm savvy enough to spot a queen cell but now I'm even questioning my own ability. OK, I'm very new but I have taken the time to internet study lots and read a few of books. Perhaps I have been too cock sure that all is going well that I haven't spotted the wood for the...
  7. asol

    Prompt swarm advice sought for new keeper.

    Rooftops. I'm 80% sure the queen is not clipped, I remember the lady who supplied the nuc telling me the queen will be marked but not clipped. However I have never actually checked so it remains a possibility. I do have a mesh floor and there are indeed a large cluster of bees beneath it...
  8. asol

    Prompt swarm advice sought for new keeper.

    Its a 2012 queen who seems to have been doing the right thing up to now, always eggs, larvae etc. Of course there could be in issue with stores. I did think they were a bit low so I added a quick feeder with 1:1 sugar syrup 2 days ago while we had the bad weather. I have to say I'm not sure...
  9. asol

    Prompt swarm advice sought for new keeper.

    No, it's not clipped. Marked so at least I have half a chance of seeing her.
  10. asol

    Prompt swarm advice sought for new keeper.

    I have one hive which has grown from a nuc I had in early June. All has been well, I have maintained weekly inspections and all has been OK. No QC and growth to approx 7 brood frames. Hive was looking very full just over a week ago so I added a super. So now hive=1 brood box and 1 super. Last...