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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. B

    oxalic acid strength

    I bought the 6% solution from Maisemore's, but got a bit concerned after reading all the posts on this thread. So I asked them. Speedy and helpful reply: "We use ours at 6% but if you want to dilute it to 3% or whatever you fancy just put sugar syrup in it to dilute it." :)
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    Fondant - very easy to make!

    Louise, thanks for the fondant recipe. Just made some up and it turned out well. Didn't have any glucose so used a couple of drops of olive oil to keep the fondant plastic. It has set well to a firm but pliable non-crusty consistency. By the way peeps, if you're out of icing sugar you can...
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    Slugs under hives?

    I've put sticky-backed copper tape around the legs of the hive stand. Slugs won't cross it.
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    Still worried about varroa

    A question for regular users of Hiveclean. I have the single dose sachets, which came without any instructions, so watched one of the 'How to Use' vids. My national hive is set up with frames in BB and super (no QE) to give them a bit more space. Should I treat with one sachet for the BB and...
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    slugs in hive

    I also noticed a number of slugs around the hive (it's located in open, sheltered woodland). Solved the problem by putting adhesive copper tape around the legs of the stand - available in garden centres or online from Crocus. The slugs get a shock when they try to crawl over it, and soon give...
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    What should I do to prepare for the bee inspector?

    I asked the Seasonal Inspector to visit a couple of months ago as I was worried about varroa infestation. He was so helpful - answered all my daft questions patiently and with good humour. Checked through the hive thoroughly, and marked my queen for me. I know he was extremely busy, but he...
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    Still worried about varroa

    I've completed a course of Apiguard and the mites are still dropping at 25-30 a day. Mentor has suggested running a course of Apistan to clear up some more (give the bees a rest from the thymol) then treat with oxalic in the New Year.
  8. B

    Help please,I need beekeeping support.

    Monsieur A - ain't that the truth! :smilielol5:
  9. B

    Apiguard overdose?

    Another newbie here! Got my colony at the beginning of June and noticed varroa at the end of July. Arranged a visit from the very helpful Bee Inspector who noted lots of bees but not many stores. I'm halfway through the Apiguard treatment (next tray to go in this Thursday). I was wondering...