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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. Red Bee

    OA 6% in distilled water,30%sugar + water

    Here we go again lol Oxalic season!!!
  2. Red Bee

    Simple Queen Rearing

    Thanks PH good stuff.
  3. Red Bee


    Does anyone varnish the tops of their crownboards or treat with anything like it?
  4. Red Bee

    Interesting way to graft
  5. Red Bee

    Poly Hive's?

    They will order the Langstroth if you ask.
  6. Red Bee

    BBKA Training DVDs

    So anybody know when these DVDs are coming out in 2012?
  7. Red Bee

    BBKA Training DVDs

    Looks like a good quality set of DVD's maybe?
  8. Red Bee

    Paynes Poly

    Cheers Winker good review.
  9. Red Bee

    Paynes Poly

    So anybody out there bought a Paynes Poly hive? What do you think of them apart from the moulding hole Winker!! Lol I've read Winkers review but would anybody else like to give their new purchase a review? Cheers
  10. Red Bee

    Poly Hive's?

    Are the metal runners included with the hive or are they extra?
  11. Red Bee

    Over or under ?

    Get yourself a 14x12 hive then you need not worry over or under!
  12. Red Bee

    MB 14 x 12 poly hive

    I'm tempted to try Langstroths, I like the fact they're easily available in poly & easy to make out of wood....mmmm might try them out!
  13. Red Bee

    MB 14 x 12 poly hive

    Poly Hive Are you not a Langstroth poly man?
  14. Red Bee

    MB 14 x 12 poly hive

    Ideal thanks, might try it out.
  15. Red Bee

    MB 14 x 12 poly hive

    Modern Beekeeping poly hives. Has anybody bought a brood box & super from Modern Beekeeping to put together for use as a 14 x 12 hive?
  16. Red Bee

    chainsaw mill

    I've used a Alaskan chainsaw mill with a 36 inch bar on. It's pretty good. Hard work sometimes pushing it along mind!
  17. Red Bee

    Beekeeping for Beginners

    He's left his whole book as a reply! Lol
  18. Red Bee

    Point with a finisher hive?

    What a brilliant non answer, love it lol
  19. Red Bee

    Thymol treatments

    Ok thanks will try google, just thought I'd try the forum first!
  20. Red Bee

    Thymol treatments

    Yep read the box as per my first post. Ok take away that I mentioned Apiguard. What's the reason for no more than two treatments per year?