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  1. Red Bee

    Double brood

    Your a wind up merchant Finman lol!!!
  2. Red Bee

    Double brood

    I've just read Poly hives excellent sticky. I'd like to have a go at Q rearing in the coming season. I've read of double brood with two supers in between used for Q rearing. Is there any advantage/disadvantage in this method. Sounds a good way of doing it to me. Keeping it in a Q + colony...
  3. Red Bee

    No space to lay

    I was thinking of using a super for the Q too lay in & once she had filled it full of brood place a Q excluder back on. With the Q being put back in the B/B all the emerging new bees would go down into the B/B then take super off for winter or something like that.
  4. Red Bee

    No space to lay

    Hello Need some advice please, I have a colony which was the Q- part of an A/S & left with a Q cell to produce a new Q. After 3-4 weeks no new Q, I happened to have another Q cell from another colony which I transplanted into this Q- colony. Again nothing happened so bought a Q which they have...
  5. Red Bee

    Thermal isolation on hives!

    Let us have a look Admin, pretty please!
  6. Red Bee

    Resealed Q cell

    Hello, I did an A/S last week & found the Q cell that I left in the Q- less half of A/S to be resealed with nothing in it, pretty sure Q emerged due to the hinged cap. Anybody else experienced this?
  7. Red Bee

    Hive Inspection Software

    Sphex, where abouts in the Tamar valley are you?
  8. Red Bee

    Hive clean

    I've seen a bloke on you tube drinking it lol, I dont think the amount of oxalic acid in it is high, so it could be used on every inspection. Its supposed to get the bees to clean themselves & irritate the mites so they fall off. I would like to know the amounts of ingredients in it, then maybe...
  9. Red Bee

    don't try this at home kids

    You got me with that little man! lol
  10. Red Bee

    Super frame

    Hello, just a quick question, how much honey could you get out of 1 super frame? Hoffman spaced, non castelated. Fully capped. Thanks.
  11. Red Bee

    Watch out this year, lots of these about!

    Is that a wasp in the second picture? The wasps the Americans call yellow jackets?
  12. Red Bee

    Big frames

    How about these for frames 14 x 12, more like 14 x 20!!!
  13. Red Bee


    Ideal cheers Poly Hive, sounds good for a first timer like me.
  14. Red Bee


    Is that a queenless starter nuc? So you can Q rear on smaller scale, I like it tell me more please. Are you selling your Q's hivemaker?
  15. Red Bee

    NZ Carniolan

    Where are you getting your bees from in Devon?
  16. Red Bee

    Q right

    Ideal thanks, reading up as much as I can hopefully to give Q rearing a go this season. Bit difficult to ask the books questions, so long live the beekeeping forum.
  17. Red Bee

    Q right

    Some methods of Q rearing use a Q right colony to finish off the Q cells. So if you were to do this with a double brood colony & Q cells in upper brood box, wouldn't the original Q swarm when the grafted Q cells were sealed? Thanks Red bee.
  18. Red Bee

    Drones this early?

    Yes in a valley and inline with the setting sun, nice and sheltered too.
  19. Red Bee

    Drones this early?

    Thanks PH hopefully its your first answer. I think its possibly your second though. Soon find out hey!
  20. Red Bee

    Drones this early?

    Saw a drone coming out of one of my hives today, is it early for them or not? Could be a drone laying Q but hopefully not, I only saw one so fingers crossed!