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  1. LeeB

    Light-coloured bees

    Thanks everyone I feel much happier now, thanks! The bees are doing really well at the moment, brining in lots of different types of pollen. NRW isn't doing much here with the knotweed or the balsam, but Network Rail does come around spraying the knotweed occasionally - usually only after a...
  2. LeeB

    Light-coloured bees

    Thanks for the quick response. I live along the canal in Neath and, you're right, there is a lot of balsam around (and knotweed)! Thanks for putting my mind at rest. They were acting normal, just looked pale.
  3. LeeB

    Light-coloured bees

    Over the past week, I've noticed an increasing number of my bees seem to be a lighter colour. At first, I thought it was just my imagination, but now there are quite a lot. I don't think they're robbers, as they're brining in pollen. They're difficult to photograph as they seem to be faster and...
  4. LeeB

    Thick comb at top of frames

    Yes, a mixture. They came on four frames in the nuc box and have started drawing comb on two new frames in the brood box. I was worried they were not spreading it out, but sounds like I just need to be a bit patient!
  5. LeeB

    Thick comb at top of frames

    Thanks for this - that sounds exactly like what they're doing. The frames are Hoffman self-spacing with a point one side. I was worried I'd crush the bees when putting back together, but did seem to fit okay.
  6. LeeB

    Thick comb at top of frames

    Cheers, appreciated :)
  7. LeeB

    Thick comb at top of frames

    Thanks for the advice. I just have a crown board on top, but they had started to build above the frame while in the nuc box. I've cleaned the comb from the top of the frame, so will see if they start to behave!
  8. LeeB

    Thick comb at top of frames

    Thanks for the advice. I think it started when in the nuc box. I'll make sure the frames are pushed together. Is it worth trimming the comb or should I just leave it?
  9. LeeB

    Thick comb at top of frames

    I installed my first nuc just over a week ago and carried out my first inspection last night. All looks fine, I found the queen and there was plenty of capped brood cells and larvae. But, the bees seem to be building thick comb at the top, and on top of, their original frames, filling the...
  10. LeeB

    sugar syrup ratio(wax drawing)

    Thanks, that answered the question I was going to ask. Installed a nuc into my first hive at the weekend and they're guzzling well!
  11. LeeB

    Nuc wanted south Wales area

    Hi - I'm looking for a nuc in the south Wales area, but happy to travel further afield.