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  1. L

    points of the compass

    which way do you orientate your hives, do you have a reason why ? I myself run the frames longitudinally Nth to Sth , with the landing board to the Nth , ..our winds are prevailing westerly. I haven't really done a trial to test for best. but I know this way the brood nest always forms and...
  2. L

    Anotherone bites the dust!

    haha, you think you've got it tough, if you have nought to do, sift though our regs / laws on honey production, extraction / bottling / labelling etc I don't really want to try and interpret you situation, .. but it seems that HOW you market, a product, allied to the bee gets you through the...
  3. L

    How much gathered honey?

    hahahaha, NO ! ... only when he can see the full moon
  4. L

    Miracle Manuka: one for you, JBM :-)

    what a cock and ball article that is, I live in the land of the long white cloud, ( Aotearoa to you in Maori speak ) It's horrible to eat, or spread anywhere, as a topical antibiotic dressing, I think they have proven that clover honey is near as good. Don't ever eat the stronger stuff ( manuka...
  5. L

    CELL SIZE results ?

    what a GREAT reply, ... thanks for the effort ::::: like you, I see so far there is no convincing research results that seem to confirm that small cell size minimises the varroa production . Left to their own, bees make exactly the size THEY require. Frame spacing is interesting, our climate...
  6. L

    CELL SIZE results ?

    well, people have frigged around with brood cell size for quite sometime now. how about an update ( scientific research results ) if at all possible, please
  7. L

    Bloodsucking, Immigrants or Visitors?

    Brazilian BIG HEAD disease next .... lol
  8. L

    Wax Moth

    Has anyone tried using carbon dioxide ( CO2 ). A well sealed container of any size to suit .. and slowly trickling the gas from the top, to eventually fill the vessel. ... CO2 is heavier than air. it will suffocate ant animal / insect
  9. L

    Hive bodies

    thanks FINMAN i'll goggle it
  10. L

    Trailer Bees

    yes your right Mr Finman, I am in deed a footie ( rugby ) hooligan,... I see what other posters mean ... I'll move on, .. good luck with your peddling
  11. L

    Hive bodies

    Ok, crikey, ... sounds cheap at twice the price lol, there not polystyrene
  12. L

    Trailer Bees

    I don't really care what you've done in past lives, all I can say is your answering skills to a simple question are well below AVERAGE, you keep on clouding the issue with ..... You really should be over here in kiwiland, with your skills you'ld make an absolute fortune
  13. L

    Hive bodies

    These poly hive bodies you use, .... any good info on them, strength, long livity.cost ??
  14. L

    Which hive type?

    nicely thought out F P .... every one to their own I suppose, and the different situations that encompass beeks, seems to call for, .. as well you can see by the body types. common hive here in NZ is the FD lang .... o/d 509 x 409 x 248 I have got some plastic foundation to make what they call...
  15. L

    wasps in hive

    What type of foam ?
  16. L

    Hive bodies

    Low density polyethylene has a SG of less than (1)'s not a long way away from many of the denser woods that some may use for bodies, if you molded it using a foaming agent, .. same SG as pine, ....surface temp would likely be similar to both materials
  17. L

    Hive bodies

    see the hive bodies in this clip, .. they look like plastic and not wood construction ? YES / NO
  18. L

    Trailer Bees

    All I can say is 1 x NZ hive @ say 33kg average x $13 - 40+ kg = $430 - 1320+ say your average for the season is ?? kg/hive x ? euro kg = ??? euro .... what is your figure .... so 6 year average in NZ is around 33 Kg what,s your 20 year average ? do you know how to do an AVERAGE ?
  19. L

    Trailer Bees

    So whats your AVERAGE haul / hive for the season ? Some areas and some hives 60+ kg others, ... not so good, the the figures you assume are gospel, aren't necessarily, a true indication of a season. .. this figure moves with the climatic conditions. All I can say is 1 x NZ hive @ say...
  20. L

    Wasp catcher

    NZ beekeeping forum that's bad language ... these fella's sold their soul to the devil, long story,