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  1. L


    so are you chaps using Amatraz as well ??
  2. L


    or (aka) Bayvarol in the bee industry ... any feed back on its reducing effectiveness as a Varroa control ...ta
  3. L

    how would YOU increase hive numbers as quick as possible

    So sad, and now, they are finding significant weed killer residues in the manuka ...? that's weird don't you think ? No one here in NZ would spray manuka with glyphosphate ! only farmers reseeding paddocks use it, those paddocks will have clover and other flower types, that bees forage on...
  4. L

    how would YOU increase hive numbers as quick as possible

    OK, I'll check out ' poly nucs ' When it comes to queen performance, there is another side to the coin ... DRONES ....bad dones = poor queens, yes ?
  5. L

    how would YOU increase hive numbers as quick as possible

    Thanks everyone , to my Aussie friend, all our bees are based on Italian stock, the only new import to NZ was some Canollian queens sometime ago, there is NO WAY of importing any be stock to NZ except illegally Yes ...I think I will go with 3 frame splits and Q/C and leave the original Q on...
  6. L

    how would YOU increase hive numbers as quick as possible

    the hives I have left and what I had are poles apart ..... using Q/C's maybe virgin Q's ( mated Q's would be nice but V expensive ) would you go with 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 frame splits ? feel free to add any random thoughts .... & I'm not worried about a honey crop
  7. L

    Varroa treatment

    Get over it ! amitraz has been used in the US for centuries an article about this resistance which only applies to amitraz with science as the backbone . Tau fluvalinate ( mavrik / apistan ) and flumethrin ( bayvarol ) also show resistance ....any chemical will show up as being less...
  8. L

    New Zealand calling

    Ta everyone, all good answers .... & yes w/a splits don't do well not nowadays. and w/a/s probably promote bad genetics. what I will do is hunt down what I believe to be the best hives with the characteristics I'm looking for & one has to keep in mind 1/2 of those inputs come from DRONES....the...
  9. L

    New Zealand calling

    Hello everyone. my last message was on how the corrupt MANUKA honey scam has destroyed our honey $ take. I can't even get $1.80 / kilo for my multi flora. Anyway, that pales into insignificance with the pandemic the world nows confronts, We here in NZ have been so lucky, whether luck has any...
  10. L

    looking for beekeeper near welshpool wales

    He was told to bee off wit ya
  11. L

    Jar Filling Machines

    Give us an idea on number of jars to fill or required hr / day
  12. L

    No money in honey now

    Thanks Eric ...good piece of detective work, and very true for not only NZ, but other countries I would like to see undisputed clinical results with Manuka honey as a antibacterial skin treatment V other compounds a totally independent test facility .... as I understand, the previous...
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    No money in honey now

    * We are proud of our honey too, native and pastoral although I don't hanker for the taste of Manuka at all, along with many others ..... I have photos of old timers in the pre Manuka craze , washing Manuka honey from frames in a creek ! * The Manuka honey craze as you point out was a total...
  14. L

    No money in honey now

    Hello there, and greetings from Nouvelle Zelande Well, we had a Micky Mouse spring, ( in the Bay of Plenty ) and it has continued on through to mid summer. 50 odd days and NO rain ! Very poor nectar flow and increasing Queen deaths with eventual hive collapse ... and yes, you could say that's...
  15. L

    AFB management

    Thank you for the replies ... same/ similar problem here in NZ, at the moment we have a bee group Apiculture nz with a membership of probably less than 4% who have managed to gain control of the AFB management for the last 2 years, won't go into the nuts and bolts, but a disaster, As mentioned...
  16. L

    AFB management

    Thank you James Question (5) in any ones opinion, what would entice beekeepers to make a positive decision to alert an authority of a possible case of AFB rather than ignore or try and hide ...I think if there is positive out come for the afflicted keeper, that nothing is lost, and an...
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    AFB management

    can you answer some simple questions 1) do you fella's have to belong to a club / similar to own working hives 2) who administers disease control, Government or non Governmental organizations 3) do you pay any fees for disease control 4) are your hives registered to an area / person is...
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    AFB management

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    NO on the pollen ....... how would this affect hive loss ? In breeding .... mmmm anything is possible, but I have 15 apiaries and they all suffer losses Varroa .... again possible, but pretty much get down on the little baskets EYEMAN ... Ta
  20. L


    To increase hive numbers, I should be @ 100 odd hives 2 years ago, but I have been losing nearly 50% of hives for the last 3 years, I thought it was poor b/king on my part ! ...I have since found that other b/kers are in the same boat, which turns out to be poor mating ...