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  1. M

    Queen cells above excluder

    I was very puzzled to find 2 queen cells, complete with grubs above the queen excluder. There was no other brood in the super. I assuming the bees moved some eggs from down below into some queen cups in the super. Has anyone else ever seen this behaviour before? Not that I'm complaining the...
  2. M

    Swarm & colony survival in the wild

    I just collected a big swarm that had taken up residance in a compost bin. It almost certainly came from a nearby feral colony thats been there for several years.
  3. M

    can you hellp with bate hive

    Try a few drops of lemon grass oil inside the hive as well.
  4. M

    No eggs/brood, loads of stores

    Unfortunately I've not got ready access to another test frame. I have this colony and a 5 frame nuc. The last test frame came from a friendly local beekeeper. I think it unlikely that a new queen may have missed her window, my hive was teaming with drones (from the drone laying queen) and the...
  5. M

    No eggs/brood, loads of stores

    The old queen is no more. I'm sure she was a drone layer (and 2 other local and experience keepers agreed). I'm 95% certain there were no eggs (from a queen or laying workers). I may go in again over the weekend and have a good look for the queen.
  6. M

    No eggs/brood, loads of stores

    But do I need to make space so that she has somewhere to lay?
  7. M

    No eggs/brood, loads of stores

    I'm rather puzzled about my bees. Last month it looked like I had a drone laying queen, so I removed her and inserted a frame of eggs from another hive. About 12 days later all the eggs had been sealed up but there were no queen cells. Which seemed odd. Local advice was to leave well alone for...
  8. M

    Drone layer & superseding already?

    Oh, yes I see. That does make a lot of sense. Well I'll leave things well alone for a bit and see now the latest lot of fresh eggs develope. Thanks for the advice.
  9. M

    Drone layer & superseding already?

    No it doesn't really mater when she was superceded. I was just wondering if it was possible that it happened this spring. Do the queens really start laying exclusively drone and then revert back to workers? thanks for the welcome, its good to be here.
  10. M

    Drone layer & superseding already?

    Last years queen was well marked with blue. This one has no trace of blue on her. Also she looks much smaller than I remember.
  11. M

    Drone layer & superseding already?

    Hi all, I'm in Yorkshire and new to beekeeping and I'd appreciate any opinions. I opened up my hive for the first spring full inspection last week. The colony was strong, plenty of bees, loads of nectar and capped honey. But the only sealed brood were drones. There were very few grubs and 1-2...