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  • Wilco
    Wilco reacted to Newbeeneil's post in the thread What did you do in the Apiary today? with Like Like.
    It’s very interesting to get people’s experience about these fairs. I only ever do one, which is in my village. I was chatting with Will...
  • Wilco
    Wilco reacted to Garry R's post in the thread What did you do in the Apiary today? with Like Like.
    I did a Christmas Fayre (We do it every year and it's our only one) a few weeks back and found a difference compared to two years ago...
  • Wilco
    Wilco reacted to gregior's post in the thread What did you do in the Apiary today? with Like Like.
    Had to take 30 frames of cut comb off so I could get the empty frames back on. Everything is full to the brim and bees are struggling to...
  • Wilco
    Wilco reacted to jenkinsbrynmair's post in the thread Pursuit of AMM Black Bees with Like Like.
    :iagree: it's the same out in Africa - most people have been taught by 'master' beekeepers flying over from here playing the great...
  • Wilco
    Wilco reacted to Swarm's post in the thread Pursuit of AMM Black Bees with Like Like.
    I had the same comment when I used to take beginners at the association apiary. Also had people complaining about runny bees after they...
  • Wilco
    Could be Carpathian if you compare the queen's markings to the one on the BMH website, or even have some Carniolan or something else in...
  • Wilco
    Wilco reacted to user 819's post in the thread What did you do in the Apiary today? with Like Like.
    Visited a friends orchard apiary not 0.5km form my garden colony, one colony has a new queen (I missed the resulting clipped swarm and...
  • Wilco
    Wilco reacted to user 819's post in the thread What did you do in the Apiary today? with Like Like.
    As has been said the forage income in very good areas comes in thick and fast with little time to deal/ripen the nectar. My garden...
  • Wilco
    Wilco reacted to biglongdarren's post in the thread Heather predictions this year with Like Like.
    Bees piling the heather in here, the last hives I set up had bees cleared into brood boxes with foundation on Thursday and moved to...
  • Wilco
    Wilco replied to the thread Pursuit of AMM Black Bees.
    I'm not sure heterosis is the correct term here. Heterosis, or hybrid vigour, is where a trait in the offspring is greater than the...
  • Wilco
    Wilco reacted to user 819's post in the thread CBPV? with Like Like.
    Though little is known as to how or why the cause, though it appears stress may be a factor. Trial and error and forums like this where...
  • Wilco
    Wilco replied to the thread CBPV?.
    It is rubbish though. Doesn't matter how well meaning it was, it was ineffective then and is ineffective now plus causes stress to the...
  • Wilco
    Wilco reacted to user 819's post in the thread CBPV? with Like Like.
    The open floor is ok as long as one doesn't have a wasp or other preditior issue, the funnel floor that Neil posted and the one I used...
  • Wilco
    Wilco reacted to Erichalfbee's post in the thread CBPV? with Like Like.
    I wasn’t saying early attempts were rubbish. That advice given now is though
  • Wilco
    Wilco reacted to Jon.21's post in the thread CBPV? with Like Like.
    Thanks all. Yes it’s on a stand. Have just gone out and removed the floor and replaced with an empty brood box and then put original...