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  • Wilco
    Wilco reacted to jenkinsbrynmair's post in the thread CBPV? with Like Like.
    that's very poor advice - whoever gave it. is the hive on a stand? a little way from the ground. If so, remove the floor and put the...
  • Wilco
    Wilco reacted to Erichalfbee's post in the thread CBPV? with Like Like.
    Agree with Wil. DO NOT shake out. Rubbish advice. JBM’s thread is here https://beekeepingforum.co.uk/threads/a-way-to-combat-cbpv.51048/
  • Wilco
    Wilco reacted to jarmo henttu's post in the thread Pursuit of AMM Black Bees with Like Like.
    In Finland we can buy Italian bees from Italy and Carniolan bees from.Slovenia, and they do well in Finland.
  • Wilco
    Wilco reacted to Gilberdyke John's post in the thread Bird Feet with Haha Haha.
    I worry about what some of my neighbours might be concealing behind their net curtains 😵
  • Wilco
    Wilco reacted to pargyle's post in the thread Pursuit of AMM Black Bees with Like Like.
    Mine (in recent years) have nearly all come from West Wales (Ceri Morgan) or are first generation derivatives - they are definitely...
  • Wilco
    Wilco reacted to Garry R's post in the thread What did you do in the Apiary today? with Like Like.
    Not the apiary BUT sugar in Lidl yesterday was £1.09 a kilo. The Lidl plus app was giving 15% off sugar and we had the £250 saved up to...
  • Wilco
    Wilco reacted to Erichalfbee's post in the thread Pursuit of AMM Black Bees with Like Like.
    I wonder how many queens bought from the major suppliers do struggle. I've had queens from Gloucester, South Wales, West Wales (but not...
  • Wilco
    A good feeding combined with a good home plus patience and time to settle will I am sure make all the difference, they are smart...
  • Wilco
    Had a call around 20:15 this evening. Some kind individual had dumped a box of bees on a rec ground at the end of someone else's...
  • Wilco
    Massive result this weekend. A swarm exited from a quad brood nuc right in front of me as I was preparing to split it up for some of...
  • Wilco
    Wilco replied to the thread Bird Feet.
    I missed that... Will blame that bit on colour blindness!
  • Wilco
    Wilco replied to the thread Bird Feet.
    Oh yes, remiss of me- most raptors have yellow legs. Might just be a woodpigeon...
  • Wilco
    Wilco replied to the thread CBPV?.
    Do not shake out. Just remove the floor. JBM started an excellent post on here about treating CBPV a year or two ago.
  • Wilco
    Wilco replied to the thread Bird Feet.
    Some sort of raptor... I guess it could be a male sparrowhawk or similar, hence the grey feathers.
  • Wilco
    I'm seeing some colonies making swarm preps now that hadn't earlier. Checked 14 colonies today, decided to leave three others alone as...