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  • Swarm
    Swarm reacted to Moobee's post in the thread What did you do in the Apiary today? with Like Like.
    Interesting as I bought in 3 queens earlier in the season and I can’t say i am over impressed with them. My homies are much gentler and...
  • Swarm
    You are right I believe. I bought in 3 queens this last 6 weeks, none have worked out. I want to introduce new genes but mixed with...
  • Swarm
    Swarm reacted to Moobee's post in the thread What did you do in the Apiary today? with Like Like.
    Can’t beat a local queen IMHO. Just hope she was mated properly so late in the season, although I still have drones in several hives so...
  • Swarm
    Swarm reacted to Antipodes's post in the thread Weak Queenless Hive with Like Like.
    Sorry, I wasn’t clear. It’s not an issue with the weather but I assume there isn’t any brood to look at in the hive in question? Have I...
  • Swarm
    Swarm replied to the thread Oxalic acid.
    ....With a twenty pound note and your snitch.
  • Swarm
    Swarm reacted to Moobee's post in the thread What did you do in the Apiary today? with Like Like.
    Checked on the nuc that had a sealed QC four weeks ago and a new queen is wandering around and laid up a couple of frames of brood so...
  • Swarm
    Swarm replied to the thread Weak Queenless Hive.
    You can treat against varroa and kill mites all you like, it doesn't undo the damage they have already done. The other colony is strong...
  • Swarm
    Swarm replied to the thread Weak Queenless Hive.
    Precisely that, the damage has already been done. You need healthy bees to raise healthy bees.
  • Swarm
    Landowner messaged me to ask if I'd like to help save a tree dwelling colony on his friend's farm that were left exposed after an Ash...
    • ash 1.jpg
    • ash 2.jpg
    • ash queen.jpg
  • Swarm
    Swarm replied to the thread Apivar.
    I noticed your mention of beginning of September, it's only just gone into October so one brood cycle, max. I take it you checked and...
  • Swarm
    Two tab cages have a gap for interaction and a gap for release.
  • Swarm
    Swarm replied to the thread Apivar.
    Not to my knowledge, sounds more like poorly mated queens.
  • Swarm
    Swarm reacted to madasafish's post in the thread Weak Queenless Hive with Like Like.
    You have one strong hive which should overwinter OK. You have one hive which is doomed: too late to requeen and any brood given will be...
  • Swarm
    Swarm replied to the thread Weak Queenless Hive.
    Let them dwindle, I wouldn't unite them with your currently strong hive.
  • Swarm
    Swarm reacted to The Poot's post in the thread Dumb meter, dumb company with Like Like.
    It’s a reflection of how determined they are that EVERYONE must have one. (I wonder why). Yesterday I tried to change my supplier as my...