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  • Swarm
    It's not about being a renegade. It's about being responsible and doing as you'd be done by. There is a risk of flocks transmitting AI.
  • Swarm
    Swarm reacted to Erichalfbee's post in the thread Stacking plastic buckets - how high? with Like Like.
    I put old shelves between them to spread the load
  • Swarm
    Swarm reacted to rolande's post in the thread Latest from Defra on YLH with Like Like.
    A. If the Asian giant hornet gets here, start off with a common name that won't confuse with the existing Asian hornet. B. Can't keep...
  • Swarm
    Swarm reacted to rolande's post in the thread Latest from Defra on YLH with Like Like.
    I'm still struggling to see why there's a need to change the common name. Unless of course it can be shown that many Asian hornets have...
  • Swarm
    Swarm reacted to judy12's post in the thread Recycling brood wax? with Like Like.
    Some people put a Do Not Eat label on.No idea why. I love real beeswax polish with genuine turpentine the way the National Trust used...
  • Swarm
    Swarm replied to the thread Thin to thick.
    I wouldn't bother.
  • Swarm
    Swarm reacted to Curly green finger's's post in the thread Recycling brood wax? with Like Like.
    I melted down well started to process brood wax but gave up after processing and getting little return imo it’s only the frames that are...
  • Swarm
    Swarm replied to the thread Labels.
    Thorne offer a service for unique labels, you provide the photo. IIRC, Maisemore offer the same. I use one of Thorne's own, the best...
  • Swarm
    Swarm replied to the thread Should I combine?.
    21 days so from day 1 to emerging bees would already be July 30th. Next cycle would be end of August. All is fine and normal IMO, they...
  • Swarm
    Swarm reacted to madasafish's post in the thread Latest from Defra on YLH with Like Like.
    I now people who have simple coloring explained so they can differentiate wasps from bees - wasps have yellow tails - and still fail to...
  • Swarm
    Swarm replied to the thread Latest from Defra on YLH.
    At least the word 'Asian' implies it is foreign and an invasive species. 'Yellow Legged' could simply be another type of Hornet.
  • Swarm
    Swarm replied to the thread Should I combine?.
    Arrived early July. Even if she started laying on day one it would be end of July before you had new worker bees. Why would you expect...
  • Swarm
    Swarm reacted to The Poot's post in the thread Should I combine? with Like Like.
    I’d leave them alone; do what I can to get them through the Winter and let them surprise me in the Spring.
  • Swarm
    Swarm replied to the thread Jar Prices 2024..
    It's free for orders over £250.
  • Swarm
    Swarm reacted to peterbees's post in the thread Jar Prices 2024. with Like Like.
    https://www.cwynnejones.com/143-hexagonal-jars Well recommended.