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    • OutStanden
      OutStanden replied to the thread Caught swarm, re-swarming..
      Today they have stayed. Gave them Brood from my other colony and some Syrup up top. Seems to have kept them in. They have looked to be...
    • OutStanden
      OutStanden replied to the thread Caught swarm, re-swarming..
      During the 1st collection there was 1 clump. Second collection there were 2. So far they have remained in the Hive. Look to be taking...
    • OutStanden
      OutStanden replied to the thread Caught swarm, re-swarming..
      I wonder if there is a queen in the colony then. That would explain the second swarm as an attempt to get back to their original colony.
    • OutStanden
      OutStanden replied to the thread Caught swarm, re-swarming..
      So to paint a picture. When my bees leave the Hive to Forage, they fly out to the right, Past 2 big trees and through a large gap in 2...
    • OutStanden
      OutStanden replied to the thread Caught swarm, re-swarming..
      Hello. I did what you suggested after re-homing the swarm a second time. They have a frame of brood to look after from my other Hive...
    • OutStanden
      Hello. In the Scottish Borders. Weather has been very poor. Rain, Cloud etc. Feeding my one colony for awhile now. Yesterday was the...
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