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  1. OutStanden

    Caught swarm, re-swarming.

    Today they have stayed. Gave them Brood from my other colony and some Syrup up top. Seems to have kept them in. They have looked to be orienteering the Hive and Pollen has been coming in. Hopefully that's it.
  2. OutStanden

    Caught swarm, re-swarming.

    During the 1st collection there was 1 clump. Second collection there were 2. So far they have remained in the Hive. Look to be taking Pollen in and orientating out front. I placed a queen guard on the front which I think I will remove tomorrow in case the queen needs out to mate.
  3. OutStanden

    Caught swarm, re-swarming.

    I wonder if there is a queen in the colony then. That would explain the second swarm as an attempt to get back to their original colony.
  4. OutStanden

    Caught swarm, re-swarming.

    So to paint a picture. When my bees leave the Hive to Forage, they fly out to the right, Past 2 big trees and through a large gap in 2 houses and out into a forest and perhaps onto the hills and farmlands. When this swarm arrived, It came from the exact direction my foragers fly to and from...
  5. OutStanden

    Caught swarm, re-swarming.

    Hello. I did what you suggested after re-homing the swarm a second time. They have a frame of brood to look after from my other Hive. Unfortunately, during the capture I did not see any queens. However, on Re-Hiving, I heard the Queen piping, At first I thought it was the sound of a cat...
  6. OutStanden

    Caught swarm, re-swarming.

    Hello. In the Scottish Borders. Weather has been very poor. Rain, Cloud etc. Feeding my one colony for awhile now. Yesterday was the 1st good day for a few months 25c. I was sitting in my garden with my cat, watching my Foragers go in and out and tracking the direction of their flight so I...