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  1. K

    To think on....

    There were problems before Blair but there weren't the structural problems that he created that now plague the NHS.
  2. K

    To think on....

    But Tony Blair is the root cause of the systemic crisis in the NHS.
  3. K

    To think on....

    Rise of the far right? And yet, the far left is responsible for killing and oppressing far more people than the 'far right' ever has. Interesting that we forget those poor souls who died in the gulags for example and just focus on the 'far right'. I despair when labels such as these are used...
  4. K

    Raping the planet

    He's not Boris you know! Reminds me more of this:
  5. K


    There are heroes and then there's the volunteers at BD Clean:
  6. K

    Honey fraud solved

    Put honey comb in water and that's precisely what happens. Sounds like something got lost in translation. Bit like Chinese whispers?
  7. K

    Strap everything down -- it might get a bit bumpy

    Electric is okay for pruning but the run time dramatically drops when cutting through thicker timber especially when it's not seasoned. If you do go battery it might be an idea to buy plenty of spare batteries and be liberal with the oil and keep the teeth sharp. I went battery and quickly...
  8. K

    A New Asian Hornet Problem

    It's the vision of the loin cloth that made me heave.
  9. K

    Wasps nightmare

    Unless these are late maturing wasps coming after protein which wouldn't be a surprise given the weather we have had this year.
  10. K

    Wasps nightmare

    Anyone reporting loss of hives to AH locally? Do you know why the wasps are coming to your hives? Is it protein or sugars that they are after?
  11. K

    Some help on what has happened here

    Problem is not the simpletons. It's the kiddies who unwittingly drink the stuff not knowing otherwise.
  12. K

    Some help on what has happened here

    I remember a paraquat poisoning case on one of my ward rounds. Poor chap did precisely that. Took it into his mouth mistaking it for cola (hadn't even removed the cola label) and spat it out without swallowing and rinsed his mouth out immediately but we still could not save him. From memory, and...
  13. K

    Some help on what has happened here

    See, I said Roundup doesn't contain glyphosphate and it doesn't! 😁 My bad - too many long hours and too many hours working with phosphate salts and working on autopilot in free time.
  14. K

    Some help on what has happened here

    Assuming it was glyphosphate and not the new Roundup formula.
  15. K

    Some help on what has happened here
