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  • JamezF
    JamezF replied to the thread Paynes, closing?!.
    To follow up about the roofs that Philip was talking about... I didn't realise that he was talking about poly ones rather than wooden...
  • JamezF
    JamezF replied to the thread Lack of wasps.
    I'm seeing a few wasps here now, but not huge numbers. One of the breweries in the local town puts spent hops out in bags for people to...
  • JamezF
    JamezF replied to the thread honey price update.
    I do wonder how many people are selling at below the cost of production, as it were. I've never really worked it out myself, so at the...
  • JamezF
    Perhaps I'm just old-fashioned, but I don't tend to take my phone anywhere near the toilet in the first place :) I can't honestly say...
  • JamezF
    JamezF replied to the thread God I love growing our own.
    I'm hoping they'll all recover, but that one I'm really not sure about. Fortunately all our chickens are quite docile because in the...
    • free-range-layer-02.jpg
  • JamezF
    JamezF replied to the thread God I love growing our own.
    Sadly I'm not sure the welfare standards for organic are actually that much better than "normal" free range, though obviously the birds...
  • JamezF
    JamezF replied to the thread God I love growing our own.
    Thanks to a visiting fox some months back we're somewhat short of laying hens at the moment, so at the weekend my wife collected some...
  • JamezF
    JamezF replied to the thread Nut allergy labelling.
    Perhaps if there's a concern that one's product may contain nuts, it shouldn't be (potentially) mislabelled as honey? James
  • JamezF
    Just finished putting the clearer boards on hives in my home apiary. Very impressed with how calm hives bursting with bees were. Just...
  • JamezF
    JamezF replied to the thread Nut allergy labelling.
    Andy Pedley. From memory, is or was an EHO for quite some time. Regularly does lectures etc. on labelling and extraction for BKAs and...
  • JamezF
    You know it's going to be a pain cleaning them, too :D James
  • JamezF
    JamezF replied to the thread Paynes, closing?!.
    Looks like someone got to all the roofs. I can't find them listed on the site any more. James
  • JamezF
    JamezF replied to the thread Paynes, closing?!.
    Having got away with the Spanish Inquisition you fancy going for the full Guantanamo experience, eh? I don't think you'd get away with...
  • JamezF
    I mean, why? Just why? James
  • JamezF
    Been meaning to get this done for ages... This afternoon I put together a prototype five-frame nuc box made (mostly) from PIR. The...