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  • JamezF
    JamezF replied to the thread Weather.
    It's not me that I'm really worried about getting wet. The problems come when you're halfway through a job using electrical power tools...
  • JamezF
    Visited the last of my apiaries for the first time today. Sadly the colony that I was trying to extract from the branch of a tree has...
  • JamezF
    Put the vaping rim on the floor. Started taking one roof apart to do some repairs. It rapidly became obvious that the only bits I was...
  • JamezF
    JamezF replied to the thread Weather.
    Been very frustrating today. The forecast was for heavy rain all day. The sky looks like that's quite possible. There have only been...
  • JamezF
    Our forecast doesn't even look that good now :( James
  • JamezF
    JamezF replied to the thread Dealing with old comb.
    Can you say that again in a "Marvin the Paranoid Android" voice? :D James
  • JamezF
    JamezF replied to the thread Honey selling.
    Looks like someone has repurposed a fireguard. James
  • JamezF
    JamezF replied to the thread Dealing with old comb.
    Cut out the comb, break up the frame and use it for lighting fires. Put the comb in the compost (specifically "in", not "on", so the...
  • JamezF
    JamezF replied to the thread How far apart for double screen?.
    You could even clean it in the dishwasher :D James
  • JamezF
    JamezF replied to the thread How far apart for double screen?.
    For a bit more work they could be made hollow using two pieces of 5.5mm ply. But perhaps that occurs to me because at the moment I have...
  • JamezF
    JamezF replied to the thread Dealing with old comb.
    I built my own wax extractor using a wallpaper steamer. It's a struggle to melt down more than one box of frames at a time though...
  • JamezF
    JamezF replied to the thread Does honey expand?.
    Is there a market for "Fizzy Honey", do you think? You'd even be able to call it that, because it's a "specific quality indicator" or...
  • JamezF
    I've had quite a few trees from Ashridge and they've generally been pretty good. I bought some bare root raspberries from them year...
  • JamezF
    Good news. I've not quite finished mine yet, but I'm relieved not to have found a dead-out so far, even where I thought I might be...
  • JamezF
    JamezF replied to the thread Old discarded frames wanted....
    If you focus on getting stuff like the cavity size, entrance size and suchlike right (I've always had more success with bait hives in...