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  • Dodge
    Dodge reacted to madasafish's post in the thread British Black Bee Info with Like Like.
    ? I lose about 70% of my bees in each hive from summer to winter - normal colony performance. I do not lose 30% of my colonies over...
  • Dodge
    Dodge reacted to jenkinsbrynmair's post in the thread British Black Bee Info with Like Like.
    plus a tirade about posting utter rubbish
  • Dodge
    Dodge reacted to Erichalfbee's post in the thread British Black Bee Info with Like Like.
    I must admit my heart sank when I saw this three year old thread reopened. I’m keeping a beady eye on it.
  • Dodge
    Dodge reacted to Ian123's post in the thread British Black Bee Info with Haha Haha.
    I don’t really think you 2 will be on the short list for writing the foreword for the sequel.😂
  • Dodge
    Dodge reacted to user 20297's post in the thread British Black Bee Info with Like Like.
    Based on the ten "commandments" which you have just made available, there are some principles in evidence, but maybe not ten of them. ;)...
  • Dodge
    Dodge reacted to B+.'s post in the thread British Black Bee Info with Like Like.
    For the benefit of those who may not have read your book, I have attached the section you referred to above. I read it very carefully...
  • Dodge
    Dodge reacted to Sutty's post in the thread Ticks with Like Like.
    Watch out for "bullseye" marking around the tick bites and get urgent medical help if you do. Google Lyme disease if you don't already...
  • Dodge
    Dodge replied to the thread MOVING A HIVE ACROSS WATER.
    No difference, they will fly over Motorways and vast areas of trading estate devoid of greenery to find flowers.
  • Dodge
    Dodge replied to the thread It’s a horror movie.
    Been chasing slugs like these all season long.
  • Dodge
    Dodge replied to the thread Biggest bee mystery?.
    Let's 🐝 honest, for a PHD student looking for a thesis Apiculture has quite a few openings.
  • Dodge
    Dodge reacted to Sutty's post in the thread Biggest bee mystery? with Like Like.
    Very occasionally they do go straight there, which compounds the mystery. Maybe being away from the parent hive stops the scouts' dances...
  • Dodge
    Dodge reacted to Just Steve's post in the thread Biggest bee mystery? with Like Like.
    When a colony swarms why does it bivouac up prior to moving on to their new home? The scouts have already selected several sites. Why...
  • Dodge
    Dodge reacted to Sutty's post in the thread Biggest bee mystery? with Like Like.
    Lots of previous mysteries about bees have been worked out by the likes of Lindauer and Seeley, but there are many left. What amazes you...
  • Dodge
    Dodge reacted to The Poot's post in the thread Biggest bee mystery? with Like Like.
    I’ve often puzzled over that too. Also, does the colony “consider” itself queen+ when there’s no queen, but a single queen cell? If so...
  • Dodge
    Dodge reacted to Erichalfbee's post in the thread Asbestos Hives with Like Like.
    Yes I can see that. My daughter brought some home from a venue she was involved in London somewhere. I took one look at them, wrapped...