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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. C

    Wasps in feeder...

    I decided to give my weakest colony some 1:1 syrup and put on an eke with a round plastic rapid feeder half full. Came back a week later to find the feeder full of wasps. The only way they could have got in was through the hive entrance, which I had shortened when I put the feeder in. The...
  2. C

    What are these?

    My camera wouldn't focus that small, but they are definitely clusters of small white eggs - none hatched (yet!).
  3. C

    What are these?

    Old comb in a swarm trap. The trap, and this comb, had already caught one swarm earlier, so after hiving the swarm, put the old comb back in the trap and reset it. Lots of activity, but no swarm. So after a few weeks, took it down to check. For some reason, there was lots - masses - of pollen...
  4. C

    Old discarded frames wanted...

    Anyone got any old, blackened, discarded National frames they no longer want? Please don't throw them. I need a few for baited swarm traps... North / Central Somerset.
  5. C

    Newbie question: Where (and when) do I get bees?

    Hi Niv. We're now getting towards Spring... are you still thinking of downsizing? I now have a friendly farmer who is offering me some land to put my hives, so am getting to the point of being active...
  6. C

    No bee suit?

    So many videos show bee keepers working without bee suits? Are they a special breed of human, or are the bees a special breed of bees?
  7. C

    Which Lemongrass oil?

    What brand of Lemongrass oil do folks use for their swarm traps? And where do you buy it?
  8. C

    New Hives wet inside after rain

    Last November I got started by making two National Hives - Brood box and two supers each. They have nice metal roofs, and I left them outside so that they woudn't smell 'new' to any bees that I might be able to obtain. Today I lifted the supers to get the brood boxes out so I could start making...
  9. C

    Newbie question: Where (and when) do I get bees?

    As 'that newbie', I very much agree. I don't mind in the least spending ££ on hives and equipment for the bees, but with free swarms available if you 'know how', I do mind paying £££ for bees that might well move home without a 'thank you and goodbye'. Maybe I'm related to scrooge....
  10. C

    Another Somerset Newby!

    Yes exactly. I'm driving down to Devon on Saturday for the Thorne sale - have ordered seconds frames for the hives. Only 100 mins drive, so not too far.
  11. C

    Another Somerset Newby!

    A great group, but apparently I have to wait until I've done 'the course' next April before I get access to anything. If that's how they work, I'm not complaining. But April is a long time away. I guess sorting new members by asking them to wait 7 or 8 months is one way of doing things...
  12. C

    Newbie question: Where (and when) do I get bees?

    Thanks, Enrico. I love the idea of attracting my own swarms with traps I have made. That's the next building job - a few traps, and then hunt for places to leave them out next spring.
  13. C

    Newbie question: Where (and when) do I get bees?

    Haynes manual bought on your advice - and as it seems to be recommended reading generally. Thanks.
  14. C

    Newbie question: Where (and when) do I get bees?

    Indeed - I visit the site regularly, as it's a great treacle-mine (honey pit?) of learning and information. So, firstly, thanks everyone for these great offers. I'm going to respond to everyone individually. Secondly, it's good to know folks in the same geographical area. I'd be very happy...
  15. C

    Newbie question: Where (and when) do I get bees?

    OK, I've done the taster day. Booked on a course in the new year. Bought a bee suit. Built a couple of National Hives. Read loads. Looked at loads on YouTube. But where do I get bees, and more importantly, I am assuming that late September is too late to start a couple of colonies. Any...