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  • Amari
    Amari reacted to madasafish's post in the thread The varroa solution with Like Like.
    Simple for me.I sell nucs to beginners...Always had to struggle hard to meet demand...(Curently 10 nucs and a couple of spare Qs for...
  • Amari
    Amari reacted to JamezF's post in the thread The varroa solution with Like Like.
    Me too. It costs me little to do so and given that I have the necessary skills it just seems like a socially responsible thing to do...
  • Amari
    Amari reacted to Newbeeneil's post in the thread The varroa solution with Like Like.
    The reason I bait and collect swarms is to stop them taking up residence in chimneys or generally in peoples houses. I have charged...
  • Amari
    Amari reacted to Erichalfbee's post in the thread The varroa solution with Like Like.
    Sadly I will have to chuck plenty of things. Who can resist free bees. Watching the activity at a bait hive ramp up over days...
  • Amari
    Amari replied to the thread The varroa solution.
    I'm puzzled by all you swarm collectors! My problem is keeping my colonies at no more than five. Just a few swarm-control measures...
  • Amari
    Amari reacted to The Poot's post in the thread What's flowering as forage in your area with Like Like.
    Mahonia pretty much over here. Hellebores starting to flower, in need of having dead leaves cut off to display the blooms. Viburnum...
  • Amari
    Amari reacted to peterbees's post in the thread What's flowering as forage in your area with Like Like.
    Snowdrops in flower on Christmas Day in the Conwy Valley, north Wales. Great provider of protein-rich pollen for the young bees. Thanks...
  • Amari
    Amari reacted to Murox's post in the thread Happy Christmas everyone with Like Like.
    Greetings of comfort and Joy, peace to all xmas carols “Your thought sees power in armies, cannons, battleships, submarines...
  • Amari
    Christmas has got off to a good start: I've just found this lovely message in my honey sales box on the grass verge. Thank you Cheryl.
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  • Amari
    Amari reacted to Dodge's post in the thread Tracking Santa with Haha Haha. National Rail santa express visiting all stations...
  • Amari
    Amari reacted to Erichalfbee's post in the thread Tracking Santa with Love Love.
    Don’t forget to get kiddy winkles in bed before 9pm or Santa will miss them
  • Amari
    Amari replied to the thread Hello from Bristol.
    I think it was wasps nibbling my polys
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  • Amari
    Amari replied to the thread Transporting colonies.
    In 1974, moving from Hants to Cheshire, our removal company agreed to convey my three hives in their van together with the furniture...
  • Amari
    Amari replied to the thread Essex new boy.
    Start taking monthly Beecraft
  • Amari
    Amari replied to the thread Rodent disaster.
    Might be wise to change your pseudonym......🐁