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  1. alisonfosterbell

    crystallizing honey

    Thank you! It looks very interesting! I'm not too concerned about pollen coefficients and ratios but more as to the plants foraged. I would say 99.9% of my customers want to know the flowers! I note what is in flower each week by observation to give a broad picture. My bees and I live in the...
  2. alisonfosterbell

    crystallizing honey

    Thank you for your excellent advice!
  3. alisonfosterbell

    crystallizing honey

    Brilliant thank you! And where could i get an atlas of pollen grain shapes for identification?
  4. alisonfosterbell

    crystallizing honey

    Hi there is it possible with a basic light microscope to identify pollen types at home? I'd love to be able to say to my customers more precisely which flowers were foraged.
  5. alisonfosterbell

    Unusual smell / after taste - any ideas?

    Maybe it was Bitter Honey from arbousiers ("srrawberry tree") ? It tastes of coffee, burnt caramel and liquorice! White flowers in corsica italy spain portugal. Stanley Tucci once did a programme with pig roasted on a spit slathered in this amazing honey!
  6. alisonfosterbell

    What's flowering as forage in your area

    Here in Picardy the ivy flowers are still tightly budded. At long last, we will have a week of summer weather: in the fields by my apiary are buckwheat, late sunflowers and phacelia.
  7. alisonfosterbell

    God I love growing our own

    A-ha perhaps you can advise me! A friend gave me a bit of her hop plant a couple of years ago. This summer it flowered for tge first time cones! Just tiny flowers full of dusty pollen. Are these male flowers? How could this happen if its from a plant which has cones?
  8. alisonfosterbell

    Bonjour from France!

    Hi there! I too am an apicultrice (in Picardy) with 3 hives in my third season! A huge flow of honey despite the drought conditions (hooray 9.5 mm rain last night, first rain for over a month!!) as we are between a huge forest and the plain with sunflowers (smothered with bees) and buckwheat. I...
  9. alisonfosterbell

    One size box

    Ice cold in Alex. Best film ever.
  10. alisonfosterbell

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    The bees are collecting pollen on the hellebores on the warm (16°) New Year's Eve here in Picardy
  11. alisonfosterbell

    Nonnettes de Dijon

    With icing sugar and orange juice.
  12. alisonfosterbell

    Nonnettes de Dijon

    Yummy! I love nonettes but I prefer the glazed version!
  13. alisonfosterbell

    Honey vs syrup & over wintering

    A most interesting read Mikael, thank you. I would like to go to 50% and then 100% honey winter feeding. Would it be a good policy to jar up only, say, 50% of each extraction and to set aside the other 50% for winter feeding in the apiary? That way, if the year is bountiful, one can see the...
  14. alisonfosterbell

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Why are beekeepers treating with Oxalic Acid now? I'm a novice so please put me right! I understood that OA is only effective when there is little/minimal/no brood, as the so called phoretic mites (who are piggybacking on the bees and so not reproducing and easier to kill). Before OA treatment...
  15. alisonfosterbell

    Asian hornets

    Absolutely! I'm in Northern France and my colonies have hardly put their noses out for 7 weeks to forage. There are Asian Hornets hunting outside each colony all day long. I've put cages over the entrances, I've put out lots of traps (white wine, stout and sweet syrup), I go regularly (though...