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Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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  1. 4

    St. Ives

    Holidaying in Cornwall near to St. Ives and cannot help but notice the many bumbles in the country lanes; they seem to be in rude health. I hadn't spotted any honey bees until I was crossing Trevalgan Hill - and the most beautifully situated apiary. Someone is a most fortunate beekeeper to...
  2. 4

    Bumble Bees

    Dave Goulson's book 'A Sting in the Tale' is worth reading as a gentle primer on bumbles. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. 4

    Double brood, loads of honey, little brood, QCs

    Thanks for the advice here. I concluded that I must have had a drone laying queen as the limited brood was well organised (though I was unable to locate her) nor was there any young/uncapped brood. I have taken the advice here to shake out the remaining bees and reduce to one hive. Come swarm...
  4. 4

    Double brood, loads of honey, little brood, QCs

    Interesting. Thanks very much. I'll do as you recommend. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. 4

    Double brood, loads of honey, little brood, QCs

    I had a peek into my hives today for the first time post winter. One hive is doing well but the other is causing me concern. It is a national hive, currently configured as a double brood without supers. The upper box is pretty well full of capped honey and there is a reasonable amount of honey...
  6. 4

    Amount of frames in national hive

    @Little John can you please explain your reference to larger volume hives? Are these 14x12 boxes, double brood or larger format hives than British nationals? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. 4

    Eviction of Drones

    That's interesting. Thanks for the colour. It seems that balance is important, and you seem to be finding it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. 4

    National Honey Show - success?

    Perhaps that covers them both. We're doomed. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. 4

    Eviction of Drones

    Out of interest why are you keeping the queen rather than re-queening? I had understood that the received wisdom (oftentimes less well received on these boards, I grant) was that the matriarch of aggressive colonies should be replaced with a friendlier queen, for the good of the beekeeper and to...
  10. 4

    Sussex Convention - Saturday 26th November 2016

    I'm sure the others are as much of a draw as Dave Goulson, but I'd attend (if I was able to) to hear him speak. I enjoyed his books very much. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. 4

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Having a look in on the bees yesterday to check they are preparing nicely for winter. It was a sunny and warm afternoon but the girls were feisty and I suffered stings through my suit. Fixture abandoned, to be rescheduled for another warm afternoon soon.
  12. 4

    Bees in NYC

    Interesting story, Michael. The super frames in the hotel hives which we saw in the documentary looked distinctly clean and lacking in propolis. A significant difference from my lot!
  13. 4

    Bees in NYC

    Did anyone see the BBC documentary on New York last night, and specifically the bit about rooftop hives and honey? I met Andrew (the beekeeper) on a business trip last year and had hoped to visit his hives but it didn't happen; after seeing the footage last night I am more regretful at the...
  14. 4

    Radial extractor - manual and preferably stainless steel

    I'm keen to buy a decent quality six to nine frame stainless steel manual radial extractor. If anyone in or near the Heathrow Airport area has one in good nick that they are keen to move-on then I'd welcome hearing from them. Thanks all
  15. 4

    What did you do in the Apiary today?

    Found capped queen cells in both hives and so closed-up to get ready for swarm management. All set and suiting-up when... Hive 1 spewed forth half the family and off they went! I was too slow zipping-up to save them and nor could I find them later. A pretty impressive sight to behold though...