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      fian reacted to boywonder's post in the thread Feral bees - what would you do? with Like Like.
      All the above shenanigans is the kind of heavy duty lifting, shifting, shunting and cutting I'm not up for....... but... and bear with...
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      fian replied to the thread Feral bees - what would you do?.
      If you intend to collect the swarm: A. I would arrange the trunks forming an L, moving them towards the edge of the road and with the...
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      In Galicia, at Cafés Siboney you can buy a kilo of their great selection version (one of the best) for €36.50. This means that taking...
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      fian replied to the thread Smoker box. In the store you can see that the price of a natural cork is 4 times the price of an agglomerate...
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      fian replied to the thread The magic triangle..
      • 5147850_picnic_24_king_of_the_picnics_mob_sq_b.jpg
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      Welcome to humid Spain. Regarding the apis mellifica iberensis (it is a hybrid stabilized in various local populations) there is a...
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      fian replied to the thread Aldi Organic Honey?.
      The types of honey included in the PGI with or without an organic seal are: Chestnut monofloral if at least 70% of the pollen spectrum...
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      fian replied to the thread Aldi Organic Honey?.
      The types of honey included in the PGI with or without an organic seal are: Chestnut monofloral if at least 70% of the pollen spectrum...
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      fian replied to the thread Aldi Organic Honey?.
      For ecological reasons, the location counts a lot, most of the ones I know are found in areas declared as natural spaces or protection...
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      fian replied to the thread Aldi Organic Honey?.
      I am not certified organic and as of today I am not within the PGI "Mel de Galicia", I am a free player. Being in any of them gives you...
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      fian replied to the thread Is it really honey?.
      In Galicia, CREAGA is the certifying body for organic agriculture and livestock. The requirements to certify a beekeeper are: A. All...
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      fian replied to the thread Is it really honey?.
      One of the few organic honey producers in Galicia. You will find the organic seal in the image on the right side with CREAGA at the...
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      fian replied to the thread Aldi Organic Honey?.
      In Galicia, CREAGA is the certifying body for organic agriculture and livestock. The requirements to certify a beekeeper are: A. All...
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      fian replied to the thread Is it really honey?.
      In Spain, although the % and origin of the honey must be indicated in the mixtures, this requirement can be eliminated if the honey of...
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      fian replied to the thread Is it really honey?.
      While the Chinese import New Zealand honey, they export theirs to the rest of the world, particularly the UK (25%). Fair trade? in whose...
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