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    • mbc
      mbc replied to the thread Colony Losses.
      Got to say I was tempted to do a little peeking yesterday afternoon, (thought better of it and went to see the rugby in my brothers...
    • mbc
      mbc replied to the thread New polynuc from Thornes.
      I thought the maisemore offerings(my favourite) were made in the uk
    • mbc
      Indeed not. It's long been said: "Don't cry for bees from Argentina". James
    • mbc
      mbc replied to the thread Colony Losses.
      Good to know mate, still going strong by the looks of her💪👌
    • mbc
      mbc reacted to Curly green finger's's post in the thread Colony Losses with Like Like.
      @mbc one of your 2021 queens in this hive 😘 hopefully I get another season to rear queens from her, guys if you have mini nucs wintering...
    • mbc
      mbc reacted to Erichalfbee's post in the thread Colony Losses with Like Like.
      All change. 🌞 and 🐝
    • mbc
      mbc reacted to Swarm's post in the thread bought a new oz armour suit with Like Like.
      Yes and same as you, the pads were included, there were no pads in the large one. Just for good measure, the seamstress dropped off the...
    • mbc
      mbc reacted to ericbeaumont's post in the thread Buying NUCs with Like Like.
      Introduced to fairly strong colonies, then. Tricky & expensive to try, esp. in high season when eggs give them options. Better to give...
    • mbc
      mbc reacted to jenkinsbrynmair's post in the thread USA Colony Losses with Haha Haha.
      is usually a bit slow on the uptake
    • mbc
      mbc reacted to Into the lions den's post in the thread Colony Losses with Like Like.
      Mixed reports...... could be multi factoral BUT most mention too many old bees and not enough young ones going into winter...with which...
    • mbc
      mbc reacted to Goran's post in the thread Just for some fun.... an excuse to smile. with Haha Haha.
      One oldie I remembered recently: News reporter came to one village to make some documentary about a day in life of a farmer. They...
    • mbc
      mbc replied to the thread Colony Losses.
      We've had some nice afternoons where a lack of flying bees would make it obvious. Those of mine I've peaked at have seemed fine despite...
    • mbc
      mbc reacted to pargyle's post in the thread Colony Losses with Sad Sad.
      I've lost two out of six so far and judging by the number of bees flying in the sun today there's another one not looking as busy as I...
    • mbc
      mbc reacted to Into the lions den's post in the thread Colony Losses with Like Like.
      Getting the same. A lot reporting mid to late winter collapses. Ours look pretty normal for the stage of the season, not spectacular...
    • mbc
      mbc replied to the thread Colony Losses.
      I've had a few calls from some experienced beekeepers, another one this morning, ordering nucs because they've lost bees, one of them...
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