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    • SWEET
      SWEET replied to the thread Colony Losses.
      It's exactly what i'm about to start doing but only for certain *special* lines 🐝
    • SWEET
      SWEET replied to the thread Colony Losses.
      Prob to much YouTube madness :LOL: (no need to turn them into charcoal) - it's a bit silly.
    • SWEET
      SWEET replied to the thread Colony Losses.
      • WhatsApp Image 2025-02-22 at 12.44.16.jpeg
    • SWEET
      SWEET replied to the thread Colony Losses.
    • SWEET
      SWEET reacted to ericbeaumont's post in the thread Colony Losses with Like Like.
      Try this next year, Andy, it's a simple job and they'll take it down whatever the weather.
    • SWEET
      SWEET reacted to Into the lions den's post in the thread Colony Losses with Like Like.
      Mixed reports...... could be multi factoral BUT most mention too many old bees and not enough young ones going into winter...with which...
    • SWEET
      SWEET replied to the thread Colony Losses.
      Simple as blowing a little into the hive and using ears, buzz = bees etc - works for me. But you do need to know your bees or risk stung...
    • SWEET
      SWEET replied to the thread Colony Losses.
      Nail-head; i'm talking 6-12kg per hive in autumn (if needed), usually there is enough Ivy around here to fill the stocks for winter...
    • SWEET
      SWEET reacted to jenkinsbrynmair's post in the thread Colony Losses with Like Like.
      Nothing wrong with feeding fondant as an alternative to syrup (seen it used, used it myself) but there is a biiig difference between...
    • SWEET
      SWEET reacted to Curly green finger's's post in the thread Colony Losses with Love Love.
      a great man pete little was, I learned loads from him - he is sadly missed I also miss our conversations about gardening mostly
    • SWEET
      SWEET replied to the thread Colony Losses.
      And what is even more surprising are the folk selling VSH Queens while at the same time pumping out YouTube content pushing these heavy...
    • SWEET
      SWEET replied to the thread Colony Losses.
      Yeah the thinking there was to encourage folk to use Google (it's the first result) and throws up lots of other useful info, including...
    • SWEET
      SWEET reacted to ericbeaumont's post in the thread Colony Losses with Love Love.
      Yes, and here are the photos of how he does it.
    • SWEET
      SWEET replied to the thread Colony Losses.
      Some of the vids I see dropped on Youtube around these topics by *experts* makes me wonder if they actually keep bees ;) Name drop -...
    • SWEET
      SWEET reacted to Newbeeneil's post in the thread Colony Losses with Like Like.
      I agree, fondant is cheaper kg/kg than invert and doesn’t have the hassle of mixing syrup!
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