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    • boywonder
      boywonder reacted to Antipodes's post in the thread Using fishing line on frames with Like Like.
      I doesn't sound great if the bees can eat through it. Stainless wire here on all frames. The roll seems to have an enormous length to...
    • boywonder
      boywonder reacted to Penninetrader's post in the thread Making your own frames with Like Like.
      And I thought it was only me sticking bits of wax together, I usually melt weld, doesn't always work.
    • boywonder
      boywonder reacted to JamezF's post in the thread Making your own frames with Like Like.
      Probably around an inch deep and generally close to the full width of the frame, although I had a pack of foundation that had been...
    • boywonder
      boywonder reacted to JamezF's post in the thread Making your own frames with Like Like.
      I don't think I've ever seen anyone who makes their own frames put grooves in them. Simpler just to wire the frames and use unwired...
    • boywonder
      Quick update on the bees I extracted from the felled tree in January. They are still very much alive, and are flying well when it's...
      • PXL_20250302_132123931.jpg
    • boywonder
      Me too, and I disagree; I think there is a perceptible difference - mainly colonies being only in loose cluster over winter, and...
    • boywonder
      To return to the core question of the OP... and to echo some of the thoughts already laid out in this thread... 1. You should go with...
    • boywonder
      boywonder reacted to Penninetrader's post in the thread Colony Losses with Like Like.
      It is clear we live in completely different worlds in this small land and one size most definitely does not fit all. It is best imo to...
    • boywonder
      boywonder reacted to ericbeaumont's post in the thread Colony Losses with Like Like.
      Yes, and that occurred to me this morning as I walked home from the print shop in Spring sunshine. Colony survival is governed by the...
    • boywonder
      boywonder reacted to Parsonage Bees's post in the thread Colony Losses with Like Like.
      This is where I get my baker's fondant (and bread and their Eccles cakes :p. Proper bakery. Queues out the door are normal. The number...
    • boywonder
      boywonder reacted to Swarm's post in the thread Colony Losses with Like Like.
      Absolutely, a friend of mine has an apiary site that could be described as 'damp', it's alongside a river. The only losses suffered at...
    • boywonder
      boywonder reacted to SWEET's post in the thread Colony Losses with Like Like.
      And what is even more surprising are the folk selling VSH Queens while at the same time pumping out YouTube content pushing these heavy...
    • boywonder
      boywonder replied to the thread Colony Losses.
      I will try, for sure... But many beekeepers will ascribe losses to spurious reasons, without challenging themselves to find the true...
    • boywonder
      boywonder reacted to Ely's post in the thread Colony Losses with Like Like.
      Hi. My local association are reporting quite substantial losses from quite a few members. Some very experienced. I am just wondering how...
    • boywonder
      boywonder replied to the thread Colony Losses.
      I don't disagree with JBM's comments about the potentially deleterious effects of some recent husbandry practices (like reliance on...
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