Todays apiary visit

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Mar 27, 2023
Reaction score
Milton Keynes
Hive Type
Number of Hives
Went over today to do inspection on the hives in our local Apiary.
Opened first hive ,removed supers checked queen excluder for queen then inspected the brood box 7 frames of BIAS 3 food,found the queen after rechecking frames ,the bees not at all bothered by my presence but remarked the queen after catching her the other bees had removed a lot of her identification .Replaced queen excluder and checked supers ,honey building up nicely, filled in the hive report replaced the roof .2nd hive inspection totally different to the first, bees very bad tempered needing more smoke to proceed .The brood box had queen cells and some supercede cells on every frame 27 in total .Last week apparently brood added to the hive and the queen kept in a nuc .I'm assuming this is why the bees so agitated. Apiary manager decided to remove 2 of the frames with the most queen cells on and place in a empty hive ,added foundation frames and bees from a different hive and will see how it goes .Left remaining frames with queen cells and added new frames of foundation to the brood box ,added queen excluder and supers .looking forward to visit next week to see how it went .Also got my first bee sting after leaving the Apiary must have been on suit.
Cheers John
The brood box had queen cells and some supercede cells
you don't get two 'different' types of cells. They were all queen cells, by the amount obviously all swarm cells.
None were supersedure cells (with supersedure you only get one or two)

Last week apparently brood added to the hive and the queen kept in a nuc .I'm assuming this is why the bees so agitated. Apiary manager decided to remove 2 of the frames with the most queen cells on and place in a empty hive ,added foundation frames and bees from a different hive and will see how it goes .Left remaining frames with queen cells and added new frames of foundation to the brood box
I'm sorrry, but that sounds a bit of a bodge. If they had removed the queen the week before, were there any QCs then? any made after she was removed are all emergency QCs