New website

Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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I like it: Nice "clean" design, simple information architecture and logical/intuitive content navigation.
Nice web site, took me a little while to find out how to skip through the gallery quickly but apart from that excellently set out, oh that all businesses could get it that good!
I'm not a big fan of large header images, but it is a fine site. Maybe worth putting your social networking links at the top of the site?
I'm viewing on my phone and the bottom PDF are not align right for me. Shows , member ship PDF, summer E News letter, Then ,BE ? Under these PDFs it has Constitution PDF . Hope that makes sense
I like the look of it and it has an up to date look and feel. I like the beginners course syllabus which makes it clear what someone can expect. Presumably Scottish BKA capitation is much less than BBKA.

Couple of comments:

The Facebook link on the homepage doesn’t seem to work.

There isn’t a page on member benefits and why I might want to join, which might be useful.

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