Honey on 'country'file

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International Beekeeper of Mystery
BeeKeeping Supporter
Mar 30, 2011
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Too many - but not nearly enough
|If you can clench your teeth and endure the rest of the dross they're certain to show - there's a piece on tomorrow's 'Country'file on authenticating honey
It will feature (wait for it) the BBKA's 'Honey Authenticity Ambassador' :smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5:
|If you can clench your teeth and endure the rest of the dross they're certain to show - there's a piece on tomorrow's 'Country'file on authenticating honey
It will feature (wait for it) the BBKA's 'Honey Authenticity Ambassador' :smilielol5::smilielol5::smilielol5:
That's a title and a half. I wonder who dreamt that up. My old boss summed the situation with titles very succinctly. "Titles are generally unimportant to people who already have them". Mind you I'd rather be Factory Engineer than a Complaints Manager. 🤣
FLuorescence Excitation-Emission (FLE) spectroscopy.
FLE is not new but using it for honey authentification is- currently being trialling by Aston University as part of an approach combining the results with machine learning (basically use the computer to spot the patterns). I presume this got funding under the AI bandwagon. Looks like it might prove cheaper if it can be proven. Not seen any publications yet beyond a press release when they launched.
I like the idea of snapping a pic of my honey on a mobile phone and uploading it the wherever and receiving the results back pronto - or am I living in cloud-cuckoo-land?
I like the idea of snapping a pic of my honey on a mobile phone and uploading it the wherever and receiving the results back pronto - or am I living in cloud-cuckoo-land?
do you suspect your honey is adulterated then?
I like the idea of snapping a pic of my honey on a mobile phone and uploading it the wherever and receiving the results back pronto - or am I living in cloud-cuckoo-land?
Cloud-cuckoo land. The presenter misheard the comment and jumped to conclusions. I suspect what the Dr was going to say was that trading standards / HM customs would be able to have a relatively affordable piece of kit that can be used with an app to analyse samples in the field.

I could be wrong though.
I felt the piece failed to mention the scale of global honey adulteration and how is has become industrialised with "designer" syrups available to beat standard testing methods.
I felt the piece failed to mention the scale of global honey adulteration and how is has become industrialised with "designer" syrups available to beat standard testing methods.
Would have been far more informative if they tested a jar of cheap honey from a supermarket.
They (Countryfile) had a script to stick to. I know Lynne wanted them to taste the difference between her honey and supermarket honey. They were very careful not to name anyone or any honey as being adulterated. Shame they only mentioned sugar syrups as possible adulterates.
FLE is not new but using it for honey authentification is- currently being trialling by Aston University as part of an approach combining the results with machine learning (basically use the computer to spot the patterns). I presume this got funding under the AI bandwagon. Looks like it might prove cheaper if it can be proven. Not seen any publications yet beyond a press release when they launched.
Thinking back to before many of the members here were born and the public announcement about ZETA to produce energy so cheaply it wouldn't be worth metering, there could be a long wait.🤔
I like the idea of snapping a pic of my honey on a mobile phone and uploading it the wherever and receiving the results back pronto - or am I living in cloud-cuckoo-land?
I must say I liked the idea as well. Let me loose in supermarkets full of cheap honey and give me a direct line to Trading Standards!!!!!!!!!

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