Yellow Legged Hornet APP

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Do you have the new Asian hornet app on your smartphone

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Jun 1, 2019
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I made an impulse decision to travel 400 miles from Yorkshire to Bridgewater Somerset this weekend to attend the South West Asian hornet conference

How inspirational and I’m relieved our fantastic NBU are so committed via monitoring, track and trace and gaining support from FERA science and DEFRa to help keep our bees safe.

I’m exhausted from the journey and have so much to reflect on, but will now wait for the DNA analysis from nests killed to be published and the NBU to develop a protocol for beekeepers and volunteers to follow. With just 40 inspectors it’s going to be like the WW2 - your country , bees and pollination services need you!

My biggest take out short term is just how many of us have the new APP on our phones to record and identify potential hornets? I didn’t and felt ashamed but I was honest and said so.

This poll is about educating all beekeepers to download the APP, if not already done so. It’s superb with other species info and help so we beeks don’t go crazy killing beneficial insects

So be honest have you got the App? If not please download it. I’ve attached screenshots and the DEFRA APP brief. Encourage others to do the same please including members of the public

Your NBU, your country and your bees need you!

New app to report Asian hornet sightings



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Glad you enjoyed it Elaine.
Sutty - One of the purposes of the app is to be able to upload a photo of the suspect and have its location tagged and sent up the line.
My biggest take out short term is just how many of us have the new APP on our phones to record and identify potential hornets? I didn’t and felt ashamed but I was honest and said so.
Now that surprises me, Elaine. But I guess you're a long way from the south coast..
Now that surprises me, Elaine. But I guess you're a long way from the south coast..
Yes that’s partly the reason I was complacent. 1100 ft up in the Pennines where cold, windy and wet but glorious for 5 months of the year - if rains don’t start too early in summer. I reckoned it would be at least 5 years before they came any where near me. I was wrong. However, I’ve never seen a European hornet in these parts and don’t have wasp problems except a few trying to get into my bee shed this late summer.

To be honest my head was so into microscopy so I could smash that exam in November that I became complacent. That’s why I gave myself a good talking to and attended the conference. I’m really educated now and feel better for it . The app is now on my phone.
I haven't but saw enough velutina in France this summer to be confident of identifying one & would then be in touch with them pronto!
Thanks that’s great. Purpose of APP is to be able to report siting and position as well as identify species - will trigger track & trace. Though with only 40 bee inspectors and lots of other stuff to do many volunteers will need training and we beekeepers too.
I don't like to say it, but I see the British authorities as very green on the issue of the Vespa Velutina.
I disagree.

The French authorities yes. The Spanish authorities yes. Our NBU no!

Given their resource limitations they’ve redirected and contingency planned very well in 2023

I suspend judgement now until dna reports on the killed nests and a protocol and plan how to deal with it in 2024 comes out. It’s due very soon by the NBU, DEFRA & from input from FERA science who are doing the DNA analysis
I made an impulse decision to travel 400 miles from Yorkshire to Bridgewater Somerset this weekend to attend the South West Asian hornet conference

How inspirational and I’m relieved our fantastic NBU are so committed via monitoring, track and trace and gaining support from FERA science and DEFRa to help keep our bees safe.

I’m exhausted from the journey and have so much to reflect on, but will now wait for the DNA analysis from nests killed to be published and the NBU to develop a protocol for beekeepers and volunteers to follow. With just 40 inspectors it’s going to be like the WW2 - your country , bees and pollination services need you!

My biggest take out short term is just how many of us have the new APP on our phones to record and identify potential hornets? I didn’t and felt ashamed but I was honest and said so.

This poll is about educating all beekeepers to download the APP, if not already done so. It’s superb with other species info and help so we beeks don’t go crazy killing beneficial insects

So be honest have you got the App? If not please download it. I’ve attached screenshots and the DEFRA APP brief. Encourage others to do the same please including members of the public

Your NBU, your country and your bees need you!

New app to report Asian hornet sightings

Not a new app it was launched in 2017, which is when I downloaded it and as we have lots of EU Hornets have been telling everyone about the app since then
I made an impulse decision to travel 400 miles from Yorkshire to Bridgewater Somerset this weekend to attend the South West Asian hornet conference

How inspirational and I’m relieved our fantastic NBU are so committed via monitoring, track and trace and gaining support from FERA science and DEFRa to help keep our bees safe.

I’m exhausted from the journey and have so much to reflect on, but will now wait for the DNA analysis from nests killed to be published and the NBU to develop a protocol for beekeepers and volunteers to follow. With just 40 inspectors it’s going to be like the WW2 - your country , bees and pollination services need you!

My biggest take out short term is just how many of us have the new APP on our phones to record and identify potential hornets? I didn’t and felt ashamed but I was honest and said so.

This poll is about educating all beekeepers to download the APP, if not already done so. It’s superb with other species info and help so we beeks don’t go crazy killing beneficial insects

So be honest have you got the App? If not please download it. I’ve attached screenshots and the DEFRA APP brief. Encourage others to do the same please including members of the public

Your NBU, your country and your bees need you!

New app to report Asian hornet sightings

The app is called "asian hornet watch " and is available from Google Play.
Now I can agree with that
Perhaps post Brexit, Vv can be attacked like Covid - with speed and redirection of resources from the broader DEFRA. I suspect the NBU will be pitching heavily to their department. It will all be down to cost - benefit in a year where the political focus will be on elections. The DNA analysis of nests destroyed, by FERA science, is key to funding decisions me- thinks. The French, Spanish, Jersey and Guernsey case studies will all help win the argument too.

The bigger picture isn’t just honeybee impact its impact on all pollinators and impact on the broader agriculture sector, that need pollination services, from all insects that do this job, that Vv target too.

Our job is to bang the drum with the public and encourage them to use the APP. Also not to Willy nilly trap by-catch and do more harm than good, but wait for direction from NBU.
I forsee certain industrial-scale producers of seeds seeing this as an opportunity to push products that self-pollinate in order "to make up for the loss of pollinators caused by AH".

a spike in one year does not mean there's a 'climbing level'
No, not a climbing level. Maybe more on the edge of a precipice. And with the scary examples in a number of countries across the channel where the problem has exploded there's is absolutely no excuse for the UK to fall from the precipice (just yet) ..... unless it's not being taken seriously enough as fian has said. It will be interesting to see what this year brings🤞.
Any system of curbing AH which depends on a limited number of people to destroy nests, and actively prohibits as illegal any non NBU staff from catching and releasing AH to find nests, is doomed to abject and utter failure when /if numbers rise. In my personal view.


And expecting any Government intervention in 2024-25 with an Election year in 2024 and a likely new Government in 2025 is doomed to the same fate as current attempts at moon rocket shots.
I may of course be totally wrong.

Bear in mind the current Post Office scandal is likely to have major repercussions with political leaders in the crosshairs and distract attention for months with new revelations.
Any system of curbing AH which depends on a limited number of people to destroy nests, and actively prohibits as illegal any non NBU staff from catching and releasing AH to find nests, is doomed to abject and utter failure when /if numbers rise. In my personal view.


And expecting any Government intervention in 2024-25 with an Election year in 2024 and a likely new Government in 2025 is doomed to the same fate as current attempts at moon rocket shots.
I may of course be totally wrong.

Bear in mind the current Post Office scandal is likely to have major repercussions with political leaders in the crosshairs and distract attention for months with new revelations.
Any system of curbing AH which depends on a limited number of people to destroy nests, and actively prohibits as illegal any non NBU staff from catching and releasing AH to find nests, is doomed to abject and utter failure when /if numbers rise. In my personal view.


And expecting any Government intervention in 2024-25 with an Election year in 2024 and a likely new Government in 2025 is doomed to the same fate as current attempts at moon rocket shots.
I may of course be totally wrong.

Bear in mind the current Post Office scandal is likely to have major repercussions with political leaders in the crosshairs and distract attention for months with new revelations.
I agree we can’t rely on our political leaders. The examples I saw at the conference show Galicia in Spain with E30m impact on fruit production due to the reduction in pollinators but a budget of E11m now needed to make an impact.

This is why the NBU in my opinion redirected resources this year . Like wasps there may be good years and bad years for Vv especially in the northern part of our countries.

We all still need to do our bit like climate change :top down (government departments) and bottom up (us sharing the APP and educating the public) but not putting traps out unless they are guaranteed Vv specific - none on the market yet
We all still need to do our bit like climate change :top down (government departments) and bottom up (us sharing the APP and educating the public) but not putting traps out unless they are guaranteed Vv specific - none on the market yet
Home made Wick traps?
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