winter feeding

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You shouldn't really be feeding 'over winter'
autumn feed to give them winter stores - 2:1 sugar syrup or invert, the advantage of invert is that you can feed it much later and even if the bees can't reduce the water content right down, it won't ferment.
As an 'emergency feed' late winter - fondant

Thanks for that JBM. I'm putting my plan together now of how I'm going to approach the next few months. That there is a gem I definitely needed to know.
It helps prevent nosema
It also helps stop the syrup fermenting
Invert also doesn't ferment so there's no harm if the bees don't cap it

Where is the best place to buy thymol?.. Would local bee suppliers have it?
I see a lot of people buying small amounts from thornes and can’t help but laugh if you get yourself set up properly mixing sugar is easy and a lot cheaper. If you are buying invert in large quantities then there’s savings to be had obviously. Hot water from the tap a drill with a whisk and a bucket are all you need at a basic level and I can knock up an oil drum full in a matter of minutes. Hell you could even get Tesco to deliver. Thymol in your syrup will stop any fermentation and this spring I had about 20l that had sat in the drum over winter and was fed to the bees. I quite often have feeders on nucs late nov or December and thymollated syrup will not go off even if fed late.
Been thinking a £100 electric cement mixer might be the better answer to plasterers drill and tub with tap for mixing sugar..they empty quicker too.
I use ablue plastic barrell and sump pump, pump doubles up as an easy way to empty the barrel.
Sounds good, any details on model of sump pump and hose sizes, presumably it's submersible?
Submersible pump ang get your fittings taps and diverters from a pond shop
This is the sump pump that I used:

Some black hose; I think I used 38mm but can double check:

Plus I bought a Y adapter:

Few jubilee clips.

Blue barrel was a fiver. Pump stays in permanently, drilled two holes either side of the barrell and routed the pipe through. Drilled another smaller hole at the base of where the lid sits for for the electric cable, which means its all wasp proof. The Y adopter can fill a drum in seconds.

It has coped fine with spring syrup, I've several bags of 25kg sugar on order so will be making 2:1 soon so will see how it handles the viscous stuff.
Thanks Angry_mob. Most useful. I have a large plastic barrel that holds a couple of 100 l. Shall give it a go. Working out costs of buying pump and bits plus sugar still works out cheaper than invert even at the discounted price I can get it at, and with a bit of thymol added means even if the bees don't cap it, it won't go off.
Cheers Millet, seems i have an almost identical barrel. but no tap, so going to try as Angrymob and Ian suggest using a three away adaptor to recirculate whilst dissolving and also to fill my containers.
emergency feeding again!

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This is my set up..the pump is a beast and was originally used as a dirty water sump pump..the garden water butt has a tap on the bottom to fill my is simple yet effective.

cheers Millet .. this looks good ... so the sump pump .. does that do the mixing as well ? (if you leave the pipe in the barrel)
cheers Millet .. this looks good ... so the sump pump .. does that do the mixing as well ? (if you leave the pipe in the barrel)
Yes..the pump can work in silt and sandy water..sugar and water will go through this particular pump at a very high litres per hour..the amount of adjatation with the pump and pipe below the surface looks like white water Rapids if you get my drift.

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