This is a very interesting situation we have now.
I s poke to an equipment supplier today and he was complaining about how busy he was and it's because of all the beginners.
So lets play consequences here. There are loads of new beginners who are next year going to find they have a honey problem. They will supply friends and neighbours and then ponder doing a bit of selling. (Yes Heather put your name on a jar and Weights and Measures will make their way to your door. when I started it took all of two weeks for them to arrive!)
I am suggesting we may be heading for a glut and English prices have always laggged Scottish ones for that very reason, that is more beekeepers.
I would suggest that across the range staed in this thread and the top I have seen myself which is £12 a pound, plain squat jar down to what I honestly consider to be way to cheap at £3. However what quality of preperation goes into the £3 jar and what goes into the £12. One is from a professional so I would expect his standards to be extremely high and (no disrespect to the £3, but the amateur in their kitchen is hard pushed to match the quality from a proper honey house.
and so..... Where to pitch it. With good presentation, that is a proper printed legally correct label, and clean non sticky jars properly prepared clean honey might fetch £5-6 a pound outside of tourist areas where there would be a premium naturally.
And as a warning there was a time when articles were written on getting rid of Manley.