What did you do in the Apiary today?

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I think you are now. I think it is all of wales. If you have registered your flock you should get regular updates from the APHA.

They've sent me nothing :( I do get regular updates about Bluetongue however. I don't think my chickens or bees are likely to catch that though.

They've sent me nothing :( I do get regular updates about Bluetongue however. I don't think my chickens or bees are likely to catch that though.

Oh! We get one every two or three days giving us updates on where the flu is and what the restrictions are. Maybe we ticked a different box when we registered 😁
pushed through the hedge at the back of the apiary last night to deal with a few youngish fifteen foot sycamore trees that have been concerning me for a while, as I was taking delivery of a hired monster wood chipper this morning to clear all the debris from storm Doodargh and the felled apple tree.
SWMBO has even turned to to give me a hand, to be honest I don't have the energy to do it on my own, we gave it a good go until 1600 and then I needed a rest, I'm on my own tomorrow but I should definitely have broken its back by teatime. a good load of chippings already spread over the chicken run now that they are in lockdown, the rest will line the path to the bee shed and apiary
Extreme caution with that chipper, especially when fatigued
Mine were all busy today too. Like you last years buckfast much busier than the rest. Interestingly I have one with a local queen who has had a nil varroa drop all winter. Might have to try and get a daughter from her.
More than one and spread around.
I don’t think we are yet. Just biosecurity measures
I think you are now. I think it is all of wales. If you have registered your flock you should get regular updates from the APHA.
we do and so far as Dani says, it's just strict biosecurity measures.
From the last APHA communication:

The AIPZ will require all keepers of poultry and other captive birds, irrespective of the size of the flock or how the birds are kept, to take appropriate and practicable steps now, including:

  • Ensuring the areas where birds are kept are unattractive to wild birds, for example, by netting ponds and surrounding areas and by removing wild bird food sources;
  • Feeding and watering flocks in enclosed areas to discourage wild birds;
  • Minimising movement of people in and out of bird enclosures;
  • Cleaning and disinfecting footwear, using foot dips before entering poultry enclosures, and keeping areas where birds live clean and tidy;
  • Reducing any existing contamination by cleansing and disinfecting concrete areas and fencing off wet or boggy areas;
  • Keeping domestic ducks and geese separate from other poultry;
  • Wild game birds “caught up” during the open season must not be moved for a minimum of 21 days, subject to conditions within the declaration.
  • Ensuring records are kept in line with the conditions within the declaration. Completing the mandatory biosecurity self-assessment checklist within 7 days. To help keep birds disease-free, we have created two biosecurity self-assessment checklists for commercial and small poultry keepers.
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Sunny yesterday so I sat next to the hives for twenty minutes just to watch. Lots of coming and going, undertaker duties and flight. After the defensive behaviour when I closed them down in autumn, they ignored me today. I’ll check the fondant on the next sunny days.
Sunny yesterday so I sat next to the hives for twenty minutes just to watch. Lots of coming and going, undertaker duties and flight. After the defensive behaviour when I closed them down in autumn, they ignored me today. I’ll check the fondant on the next sunny days.
Defensive manner in my apiary is very dependant on time of year, the exact reasons for which the girls see no need to inform me. Enjoy it whilst you can, and when they give you the warning best to take note.
Not in the apiary but I have been going through my supers, swapping old wax out etc and found a stack of 12 that I somehow missed when extracting.
Not crystallised but going to be a ball ache to extract I think.
Not the first time I've forgotten a few but not twelve of them.
I wonder if they could go on to colonies in the spring as a bit of a boost.
Just digging out a 40 year old compost area to extend a level patch for another hive stand, it is cold today but not bad for digging, the compost which is now soil came from clearing the area of trees and privet which I burned in this spot. He soil is being re distributed around hawthorn bushes as I hope to plant some flowers amongst them.17384255920087041368270657006780.jpg
Found one colony today consisting on one queen and a couple of score bees. Two eggs and nothing else(though plenty of stores). Could someone point me to a process to save the queen until Spring time?
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Found one colony today consisting on one queen and a couple of score bees. Two eggs and nothing else(though plenty of stores). Could someone point me to a process to save the quern until Spring time?
Oh dear, do you have any other hives? I once put a hive like that on top of a travel screen over a single brood box of strong bees and fed from above. The heat was enough to keep them alive but it may have been more luck than judgement. These days I would just say goodbye to them.
Took advantage of the dry weather and brush cut the brambles back at both apiaries. Bees making the most of the sunshine. Not at all bothered by the cutter this time which was good.
A very brief check on the Apiary to make sure all was well.
I didn't check inside the Hives.
Heard a woodpecker pecking at a tree
Oh dear, do you have any other hives? I once put a hive like that on top of a travel screen over a single brood box of strong bees and fed from above. The heat was enough to keep them alive but it may have been more luck than judgement. These days I would just say goodbye to them.
Thats given me an idea. Thanks! I'll post how I get on....