Weird sting reaction

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House Bee
May 8, 2009
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Southampton Hampshire
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A few weeks ago I was stung on the wrist and instead of the usual itchy bump for a day or two it swelled up quite a bit for a few days. Since then I have been stung once or twice and no real swelling.
Today I somehow had a few bees inside my veil and one stung me on the throat and another just below my ear, the strange thing is my wrist is swelling up and itching as before but I wasn't stung there.
The sting sites are just a little bump but as I write this my wrist and fore arm is covered in bumps.
I took a couple of piriton to see if it helps.
Anyone else had this sort of thing happen?
I hope I'm not developing an allergy to bee stings
A few weeks ago I was stung on the wrist and instead of the usual itchy bump for a day or two it swelled up quite a bit for a few days. Since then I have been stung once or twice and no real swelling.
Today I somehow had a few bees inside my veil and one stung me on the throat and another just below my ear, the strange thing is my wrist is swelling up and itching as before but I wasn't stung there.
The sting sites are just a little bump but as I write this my wrist and fore arm is covered in bumps.
I took a couple of piriton to see if it helps.
Anyone else had this sort of thing happen?
I hope I'm not developing an allergy to bee stings
Seems an odd reaction and taking antihistamines is probably the right thing to do.
I had a bad reaction once, with hives and sweating going on and a very swollen arm. Taking antihistamines, reduced the reaction considerably. I then became very nervous about future stings and still am, albeit to a lesser extent.
I’m happy to report I have had no further bad reactions. I hope it pans out the same for you👍
Just stop them getting into your veil!!!
Stung on the ear and a while later had the SBI turn up to wind up every colony by clattering through them and I took a battering to my hands.
Reaction to the sting sites wasn't that bad but my ear swelled and raised welts on my neck, I also had a rash appear around my armpits and crotch.
Had the same recently, sting on neck, subsided as usual, then got a hammering on the foot two days later, while trying to sort the same defensive lot out. Neck became swollen around the original site again, far worse than before, definitely not stung there this time. All gone now, and stung kneeling on one in the garden yesterday, all ok.
My body is as much of a mystery to me as the bees are 🤣
Early on in my beekeeping adventure I got a belter of a sting on the side of my ankle (not whilst beekeeping, but sitting on the grass, not realising there was a bee in the clover), which really swelled up for a few days. Next couple of stings seemed to cause a sympathetic reaction in my ankle again. Wore off after a while and I haven't noticed anything similar in at least the last couple of years.

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