4 treatments, 5 days apart when capped brood is present.
OA vaping will not kill mites inside the capped brood cells, only the "phoretic" mites (not technically the correct term, I mean those running around the hive and riding/parasitising on bees).
After reproducing in the brood cell, the mother mite and her female offspring emerge with the new bee and stay phoretic for 6-11 days. OA vaping will kill them during this period.
Repeating the treatment 4 tmes at intervals of 5 days will cover the 12 days the brood is capped.
If, after 4 treatments there are still mites dropping, treat once again. The bees may be collecting more mites from collapsing colonies (feral or otherwise).
If there is no capped brood present, 1 treatment should get all of them ('cos they are all phoretic).