Unusual Swarm

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Buzzby Babe

New Bee
May 16, 2011
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In the apiary on Saturday (4 days ago) one of my hives swarmed. It settled on a tree and I managed to re-house it with the queen definitely in the brood box (I had to catch her and put her in myself).
On Sunday (1 day later) the swarm had left my lovely brood box and re-settled on the tree. I attempted to re-house it again but obviously didn't get the queen in the box.
Today I have been back to the apiary as it is cold, wet and windy to check on my hives and the swarm is still there on the tree! Has anyone else had a swarm which will choose to stay out rather than find a new empty hive/home? It seems confused as to what to do.
I collected a swarm last week when the weather was very wet. Dropped the main swarm into the skip and the others couldn't get in there fast enough.
I came across the remains of a swarm last year that was seen in a tree then several days later they were all dead in the floor.
I hope they don't die - she was a good queen - a bit docile (probably hence the inactivity and drive to find a new home). Will have to collect them and hope for the best!
Had one in a tree for well over two week, when we finally got it down they had built comb under the branch.
You could try spraying some air freshener onto the branch once you knock them into the box . Maybe they are returning to the odour left by the queen and cluster ?

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In the apiary on Saturday (4 days ago) one of my hives swarmed. It settled on a tree and I managed to re-house it with the queen definitely in the brood box (I had to catch her and put her in myself).
On Sunday (1 day later) the swarm had left my lovely brood box and re-settled on the tree. I attempted to re-house it again but obviously didn't get the queen in the box.
Today I have been back to the apiary as it is cold, wet and windy to check on my hives and the swarm is still there on the tree! Has anyone else had a swarm which will choose to stay out rather than find a new empty hive/home? It seems confused as to what to do.

It does happen. I can't remember where I read it but it was explained as regressive behaviour in that in warmer climates like Africa bees have nests out in the open and migrate when forage dries up.
Last year I had a swarm settle and build comb, under the overhang, on the outside of a TBH. The last comb was actually built over the entrance to the TBH. No bees in the TBH, just some good old comb, and plenty of space.