The chat? Underused resource?

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Poly Hive

Queen Bee
Dec 4, 2008
Reaction score
Scottish Borders
Hive Type
Number of Hives
12 and 18 Nucs
Just looking, ok I am bored, and there are 19 on and no one in the chat.

Seems such a waste of a great resource.

What can we do to do more with it?

We sort of chat on here on regular posts, where you can add your comments at leisure.

Nothing wrong with chat but usually I'm doing other things.
Fair comment. Possibly as people find they want more instant answers it will grow a bit but I well remember when the Bee Farmers kicked off their chat room it was a very useful tool.

I was thinking it could be a good tool in the spring when the new beekeepers start to post/ask questions.
it will gain in popularity as season progresses, I'm sure!!
I was thinking it could be a good tool in the spring when the new beekeepers start to post/ask questions.

couldnt you advertise a regular chat time every day and banner post it on the site header perhaps with the number of users.
I note that there is the ability to start a sub chat in a new room perhaps you could draw attention to this some how. Then those individuals that want to go banging on about shooting as has happened on at least 1 occasion could open up this sub chat room and leave the main chat room free for bee matters.
I've been finding it useful for asking questions as a newcomer. I've made a habit of calling in at around 8pm on Saturdays. Any other time no one will be in there because no one else is. If it were common place for everyone to make a habit of checking in at 8pm every night if they are free it would be used more I reckon
8pm is a good time for me and I will begin to hover about then.

On the other hand if you are fed up of me rabbiting on I won't. LOL

PH would you be happy to take on running the chat?
I admit I dont tend to enter on a saturday night as you may of noticed,I think it run's better without me joining in as members can relax more without me being around?
PH would you be happy to take on running the chat?
I admit I dont tend to enter on a saturday night as you may of noticed,I think it run's better without me joining in as members can relax more without me being around?

If you switched to your other account no one would notice :cheers2:

Yours Roy
Regular times are a must, it's getting people into the habit as much as anything else.

Sorry about the queen rearing PH, I was asleep at the time and woke for a radio sked at 9pm (habit - the sked not the sleeping). :)

I suspect that as the season becomes busy the time for chat will be seriously impacted by other activities. It also means that valuable information becomes transitory and useful to a potentially very small audience that was able to make the sked.

If the chat room became very popular, then it would be at a cost to the remainder of the forum where information posted remains available for those that have the same question at a later date.

Sherwood seems to want it to be a source of great information, but patently has no love for CHAT about things that others enjoy, such as banging or shooting (or somesuch).

The members that are in the chatroom is listed on the bottom of the home page. If you need a banner to let you know, then it's time to visit the opticians.

If you want casual chat, then the chat room is appropriate. if you want to discus a specific subject, then choose or make a thread on the forum, because chat by it's very nature can turn on the smallest comment and head off in another direction. It is likely to be very confusing for some when there are multiple conversations taking place - and why not? Do you go to a separate room at a party to discuss separate subjects, or do you just talk normally while both you and your correspondent pay attention that little bit more and enjoy the cocktail party effect. :)

You can't have it all ways folks. :) Nothing to stop you trying though. Just remember, that these things don't just happen, they happen because YOU persisted. Without YOU, there is no US.
Wasn't your secret username WaxManSmokerBoy ? :)

We need a smiley for "Blood-in-the-water". Sort of circling sharks and spreading blood.
No worries Hombre.

As for stuff being missed on the forum because it has been discussed in the chat I don't see it myself.

Even if say grafting was discussed at great length in chat, I would be astonished if in the not too distant future it is asked about in the forum and replied to.

At the end of the day the basics are the basics and will be discussed over and over as newcomers seek their clarifications, and those who know a bit do thier bit by answering same.

The wonderful thing about chat and forums is that so many are willing to help others. That's what I so enjoy.

Yes Admin no bother. I do though agree that if seriously off topic matters arise and are desired to be discussed by a group then a sub room should be opened up. I just experimented and it is easy enough and I would suggest it is called "The other topic room" :)

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the reason why I asked admin for the chat function room was because on several other forums they have a virtual meeting set up once a week and at a set time
we've been doing that on here, sat eve, 8.30

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